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Assessing Pupil Progress and Attainment without Level Wednesday 13 th January 2016 Year 5 and 6.

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1 Assessing Pupil Progress and Attainment without Level Wednesday 13 th January 2016 Year 5 and 6

2 Aims of Today’s session: To discuss the reasons why the government has abolished levels. To discuss how children will be assessed in future. To show ways in which you can support in this process.

3 Why remove levels? Levels have become too far removed from the curriculum They had become too inconsistent and open to different interpretations It is argued that ‘the level’ was being focused on over a child’s actual learning Levelling and a culture of moving through levels caused gaps in learning as children were moved on too quickly.

4 4 ‘Too often I have taught children at KS3 who have raced through the curriculum, picking up bits of skills, but for whom the basics of number knowledge and calculation are still insecure. The comparison to the end- moments of the game, Jenga, is too often fitting: students who lack the secure base on which to build their higher knowledge soon come crashing down.’ Ramblings of a Teacher

5 5 Tim Oates, Chair of the Expert Panel on assessment Successful curriculums around world: Study fewer things in greater depth Teaching based on key constructs Work through key constructs at a slower pace Allow time for pupils to revisit and practice Have no levels Less differentiation

6 What is in place of levels? A programme of study with specific and prescribed objectives for each year/phase group. Children will be assessed against how many of these objectives they have met. Are they meeting age related expectations (A.R.E) or not? North will be reporting these throughout the year as... Emerging, Developing & Secure

7 The negatives... The Government has not replaced levelling with another system and has left schools to work this out for themselves.

8 The Positives: School’s are able to design their own system that caters for their children’s needs Children are taught and assessed against the same criteria Objectives are clearly prescribed Children become secure with the year groups objectives rather than trying to move them on too quickly, resulting in more solid foundations for future learning and skill development A philosophy of ‘deeper learning’ where children are encouraged to apply knowledge and understanding to other aspects of the curriculum, ensuring learning is more secure and easily transferable.

9 How will we assess? We will assess regularly against the year group’s objectives and plan to address any gaps/insecurities. This will happen daily and is known as formative assessment. It lies at the heart of teaching and learning and focuses on moving on and making progress. We will periodically assess what children have learnt to help us understand how much has been learnt and to track progress. This is known as summative assessments and will take the form of formal testing. Children, parents and teachers MUST all be involved in the process if it is to be truly meaningful and effective.

10 How can you help? Familiarise yourself with your child’s year group objectives (these will all be sent home to you in more accessible language than the National Curriculum- target maps below) Ensure children are completing homework tasks to their best ability – help them with any misconceptions.

11 How can you help? Familiarise yourself with your child’s year group objectives (these will all be sent home to you in more accessible language than the National Curriculum- target maps below) Ensure children are completing homework tasks to their best ability – help them with any misconceptions. Year 6

12 Year 5 Writing

13 Year 6 Writing

14 Year 5 Reading

15 Year 6 Reading

16 Other Information Homework policy is being reviewed at the moment and is a work in progress. Greater focus on online platforms that provide instant feedback – Mymaths and Bugclub should be used regularly! A quick glimpse at what both have to offer and how powerful they can be: Year 6 revision website

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