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Well test analysis research at Imperial College

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1 Well test analysis research at Imperial College
Alain C. Gringarten Professor of Petroleum Engineering Director of the Centre for Petroleum Studies

2 Prerequisite: actual well test data
Objectives explain complex well test behaviours provide practical methods for interpreting them assess uncertainties and limitations of the corresponding analysis results as a function of the information available Prerequisite: actual well test data

3 JIP: Investigation of Alternative Methods for Testing Oil and Gas Wells to Eliminate Emissions
: BP, Conoco, Norsk Hydro and Schlumberger Objective: evaluate options for testing exploration and appraisal wells without producing fluids to the surface closed-chamber testing harmonic testing re-injection in a different layer Outcome: Deconvolution 3 SPE publications, 3 MSc theses, 1 PhD thesis

4 22 SPE publications, 55 MSc theses, 10 PhD theses
JIP: Well test analysis in gas condensate and volatile oil reservoirs below saturation pressure : Anadarko, Burlington, BHP Billinton, Britannia Operator Ltd, ConocoPhillips, GdF, RERI, Total and UK DTI : BG Group, Burlington, ConocoPhillips, ENI, Petro SA, Petrom and Total Objectives: explain well test behaviours below saturation pressure 22 SPE publications, 55 MSc theses, 10 PhD theses

5 Well test analysis in gas condensate and volatile oil reservoirs below saturation pressure
Outcome: 2-phase bank develops below saturation pressure Well productivity evaluation requires capillary number effect 2 or 3-region composite well test behaviour with 1-phase pseudo-pressures for gas condensates or pressures for volatile oil Homogeneous behaviour with 2-phase pseudo pressure In sandstone reservoirs, reservoir effective k = arithmetic average core k Correct 2-phase bank total compressibility is required to estimate the bank outer radius Fracturing vertical wells or drilling horizontal wells is equally effective for improving productivity skin vs. rate is the same above and below saturation pressure with 2-phase pseudo pressures below saturation pressure.

6 CDFi (pdew= 3040 psia) Wellbore skin effect Gas rate, MMscf/D 12 10 8
6 4 2 Q Above pdew Below pdew 2-j m(p) FP18 FP20 FP36 FP30 1-j m(p) S = -0.9 Q FP36 Wellbore skin effect FP30 FP18 FP20 S = 0.3 Q FP13 S = 0.3 Q FP3 FP5 Gas rate, MMscf/D

7 JIP: Well Test Analysis in Complex Systems
Complex Fluids, Complex reservoirs, and Complex Wells : BG Group, BHP Billiton, Eon-Rurhgas, Petro SA and Schlumberger Gas condensate and volatile oil below saturation pressure Shale gas: Molecular Modelling Macro-scale experimental studies Darcy scale modelling Well test analysis Geologically complex reservoir geometries Semi-infinite channels with non-parallel boundaries Meandering channels Pinch-out boundaries 9 SPE publications, 26 MSc theses

8 Well Test Analysis in Complex Systems
Complex Fluids, Complex reservoirs, and Complex Wells Shale gas outcome: Stable storage of methane is impossible in the kerogen itself High CH4 molecule concentrations are trapped by K+ ions on illite faces in kerogen-illite or illite-illite interfaces with apertures h lower than or equal to 8 Å Two partial storage sites exist in larger interfaces h ≥ 10 Å, due to irreversible anti-adhesion processes The density of the stored gas in illite-illite interfaces is very high compared to pressured free gas (up to several thousands of CH4 moles per cubic meter of interface). The total gas-in-place can be evaluated by measuring the distribution and size of mineral interfaces. The amount and rate of gas that can be extracted depends on the ability of enlarging clay mineral interfaces at depth (for instance by hydraulic fracturing).

105 104 103 102 10 80o 31o Wedge 2 d1 = 32 m d2 = 30 m a = 31o Wedge 1 d1 = 13 m d2 = 27 m a = 80o nm(p) Change and Derivative (kPa) Elapsed time (hrs)

10 nm(p) Change and Derivative (kPa)
MEANDERING CHANNEL Elapsed time (hrs) nm(p) Change and Derivative (kPa) 104 103 102 10 1 80o Channel d1 + d2 = 15 m Wedge d1 = 7 m d2 = 4 m a = 84o

11 11 SPE publications, 19 MSc theses
JIP: Deconvolution : BG Group, BHP Billiton, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ENI, GdF, Occidental, Petro SA, Saudi Aramco, Schlumberger, Shell, Total and Weatherford : Anadarko, BG Group, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Inpex, Petro SA, Saudi Aramco, Schlumberger, Shell, and Total Objectives: assess the uncertainty in the well test interpretation model through deconvolution extend deconvolution to multiple interfering wells Outcome: Monte-Carlo Deconvolution 11 SPE publications, 19 MSc theses

12 Deconvolution 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 -10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Pressure (psia) Elapsed time (hrs) -20 140 Gas Rate (MMscf/D) 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 -10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Pressure (psia) Elapsed time (hrs) -20 140 Gas Rate (MMscf/D) 12

13 Deconvolution: boundary identification
Test 1 (Exploration) FP06 Test 2 (Production) FP35 Maureen A2 13

14 Deconvolution: boundary identification
100 FP 06 (Exploration build-up) FP 35 (Production build-up) 10 1 Test duration 0.1 Derivative, psia 0.01 Maximum flow period durations 0.001 Build-ups during exploration and production tests in Maureen well A2. Boundaries are not visible, whereas there are in the deconvolved derivative of the production test build-up. The deconvolved derivative confirms the analysis model. 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1E+06 1E+07 1E+08 Time, hrs 14

15 Deconvolution: boundary identification
100 Dimensionless unit rate pressure & derivative type curves FP 06 (Exploration build-up) FP 35 (Production build-up) 10 lambda = 1.e+05 lambda = 5e+05 lambda = 8e+05 lambda = 1.0e+06 Deconvolved derivative for various smoothness values 1 Test duration 0.1 Derivative, psia 0.01 Maximum flow period durations 0.001 Build-ups during exploration and production tests in Maureen well A2. Boundaries are not visible, whereas there are in the deconvolved derivative of the production test build-up. The deconvolved derivative confirms the analysis model. 0.0001 Knowledge gap 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1E+06 1E+07 1E+08 Time, hrs 15

16 Monte Carlo deconvolution

17 The Atlantic Refining Co…)
JIP: New developments in well test analysis SPE papers with WT 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Year 1947 1949 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Number of publications Horizontal wells Electronic gauges Permanent Hardware/Completion MHF IKVF Stehfest Green’s functions Deconvolution Laplace transform Mathematical tools Horner Derivatives Methodology Type Curve Analysis MDH MBH Commercial Software Interpretation methods IOC Shell, Gulf Oil Corp, The Atlantic Refining Co…) UNIVERSITIES Texas A&M, Stanford SERVICE Flopetrol Schlumberger NICHES ??????? DEVELOPERS

18 Value tied to power in Identification and Verification
New developments in well test analysis Value tied to power in Identification and Verification Poor None ANALYSIS METHOD IDENTIFICATION VERIFICATION 50’s Straight lines Fair ( limited) Fair to Good 70’s Pressure Type Curves Very Good 80’s Pressure Derivative Much better 00’s Deconvolution Same as derivative Next ? >>> >>> 41

19 New developments in well test analysis
Multiwell deconvolution Shale oil and gas Molecular Modelling Macro-scale experimental studies Darcy scale modelling Well test analysis

20 New developments in well test analysis
Multiwell deconvolution

21 New developments in well test analysis
Shale oil and gas

22 New developments in well test analysis
Shale oil and gas

23 New developments in well test analysis
Shale oil and gas Fracture Matrix

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