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The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase GRAIL Regulates T Cell Tolerance and Regulatory T Cell Function by Mediating T Cell Receptor-CD3 Degradation Immunity 32, 670–680,

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Presentation on theme: "The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase GRAIL Regulates T Cell Tolerance and Regulatory T Cell Function by Mediating T Cell Receptor-CD3 Degradation Immunity 32, 670–680,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase GRAIL Regulates T Cell Tolerance and Regulatory T Cell Function by Mediating T Cell Receptor-CD3 Degradation Immunity 32, 670–680, 2010 Roza I. Nurieva, Shuling Zheng, Wei Jin, Yeonseok Chung, Yongliang Zhang, Gustavo J. Martinez, Joseph M. Reynolds, Sung-Ling Wang, Xin Lin, Shao-Cong Sun, Guillermina Lozano, and Chen Dong, Lee, Hye-Yeong

2 Introduction T cell activation 과 tolerance 는 extracellular signal 뿐만 아니라 intracellular signal transducers 와 regulators 에 의해 조절 받는다. Extracellular signal : APC 의 costimulatory molecules Intracellular regulator –E3 ubiquitin ligase; cbl-b, Itch 등 - T cell 의 tolerance 에 관계가 있다고 알 려짐 (Heissmeyer and Rao, 2004) GRAIL : Gene Related to Anergy in Lymphocytes ; encoded by Rnf128 –Type I transmembrane protein –Localized to endosomal compartment –T cell anergy induction 과 expression 에 관계가 있음이 밝혀짐 (Anandasabapathy, 2003) –Anergic Th1 cells 에서 GRAIL mRNA 유도됨

3 GRAIL 이 oral tolerance 와 관계가 있는가 Subcu. OVA + CFA Intragastric Ovalbumin 2mg/day or PBS Splenocytes : restimulation with Ova protein Proliferaton/ cytokines WT or Rnf128 KO Rnf128 KO x OT-II ; injected twice with 500 ug of Ova peptide to induce tolerance  isolation of Va2+CD44+CD4 T cells  stimulation with plate-bound a-CD3  cytokines

4 Figure 1. GRAIL Is Required for T Cell Tolerance Induction In Vivo  GRAIL 이 antigen-specific CD4 T cell 의 tolerance 에 관계한다.

5 Q. GRAIL 이 autoimmune disease 의 발병에 영향을 미칠 것인가 ? Mice 2, 18-20, 26-28 months Size of spleen, mesenteric lymph node

6 Figure 2. GRAIL Deficiency Leads to Autoimmune Symptoms B6 background B6 x 129 background

7 Figure 3. Rnf128/ Mice Exhibit Exacerbated EAE 30.5 9.59 5.27 GRAIL 이 lymphoproliferation / autoimmune responses 에서 중요 한 역할을 하고 있을 것이다.  WT, Rnf128 KO, Het 에 MOG peptide 로 EAE 를 유발하였을 때 차이는 ?  이때의 CNS/spleen 으로의 lymphocytes infiltration 과 cytokine production profile 은 어떠한가 ?  CD4 T cell 의 CNS 로의 infiltration 과 IL-17, IFN-g 의 증 가는 EAE 의 증상과 일치함.

8 Figure 3. Rnf128/ Mice Exhibit Exacerbated EAE WT or Rnf128 KO CD4 T cells Rag1-/- Adaptive transfer MOG EAE?

9 Figure 4. Rnf128/ T Cells Are Hyper-responsive to TCR Signaling GRAIL 의 T cell 에서의 function CD62L hi CD44 lo CD25 - naïve CD4 T cell  Activation : with plate-bound a- CD3 w/ or w/o a-CD28  CD4 T cell Proliferation, cytokines Rnf128 KO x OT-II T cells  Activation : with OVA peptide and irradiated APC/TKO APC  T cell proliferation, cytokines >> GRAIL 이 없으면 T cell 은  hyperactivation  costimulation 에 독립적인 activation TKO APC : deficient in B7.1, B7.2, B7h Naïve WT OT-II activated with TKO APC  impaired proliferation and IL-2 production

10 Figure 4. Rnf128/ T Cells Are Hyper-responsive to TCR Signaling GRAIL 이 T cell 의 effector function 에 미치는 영향은 ?  In vitro 상에서 Th1, 2, 17 으로 분화시킨 CD4 T cell 의 cytokine 39.4 62.6 15.5 27.5 >> GRAIL negatively regulate IFN-g and IL-17 production

11 Deficiency in GRAIL leads to  T cell hyperactivation  independency on costimulation for activation E3 ubiquitin ligase ; degradation of signaling components downstream of TCR (Heissmeyer and Rao, 2004)  Rnf128 KO 의 TCR downstream component level ?  WT/Rnf128 KO OT-II cell ; activated with OVA peptide

12 Figure 5. GRAIL Negatively Regulates TCR-CD3 Expression MG-132 : proteosome inhibitor TCR 은 cytoplasmic region 이 짧다  GRAIL 이 CD3 에 영향을 주는 것인 가 WT Rnf128 ko WT/Rnf128+MG 293 cell transfection mouse OVA

13 >> GRAIL downmodulates the expression of TCR-CD3 complex through ubiquitin- dependent proteosome degradation pathway 지금까지 GRAIL 이 CD4 T cell 의 activation 시 TCR level, cytokine, proliferation 등을 살 펴봄. Treg cell 에 미치는 영향은 어떠한가 기존의 연구 nTreg 과 iTreg 에서 GRAIL mRNA 의 expression level 증가  GRAIL 의 TGF-induced Foxp3-expressing Treg(iTreg) 에서 발현  GRAIL 과 Treg 발생 관계 / suppressive function ?  GRAIL 에 무관하게 발달함

14 Figure 6. GRAIL Is Required for Suppressive Function of Regulatory T Cells nTreg/iTreg 의 suppressive effect  a-CD3  proliferation RT-PCR Augmented Th17 specific gene expression

15 Figure 6. GRAIL Is Required for Suppressive Function of Regulatory T Cells IL-21 이 GRAIL KO 에서 많이 증가된 양상  IL-17 의 발현과 suppressive activity 에 영향을 주는가  IL-21 blocking Ab  GRAIL 은 Th-17 관련 gene 들을 억제하여 Treg 기능 조절에 영향 을 미친다 2358.3 CD4+Foxp3+ T cell gated  GRAIL 이 TCR-CD 의 downregulation 을 통해 Treg cell 의 기능을 조절 한다.

16 GRAIL KO 에서의 IL-21 의 증가  어떤 mechanism 에 의한 것인가 IL-21 의 expression 은 NFATc1 에 의해 조절된다.(Kim, 2005)  Foxp3-GFP+ nTreg cells  a-CD3 activation

17 Figure 7. GRAIL Negatively Regulates NFATc1 Expression in Activated Naive and Regulatory T Cells CsA: Cyclosporin NFAT blocker Foxp3-GFP+CD4+ nTregNaïve CD4+ T cell

18 GRAIL regulates T cell activation and cytokine production through negative regulation of NFAT-c1 expression

19 Summary GRAIL –Enhanced expression by TCR signaling –Restricts NFATc1 expression in recently activated naïve T cell and regulatory T cells –Through controlling NFATc1 expression, inhibits IL-21 production and upregulation of Th17-specific genes in Treg


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