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Confident and Competent Mairi Anne Macdonald Director of Sector Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Confident and Competent Mairi Anne Macdonald Director of Sector Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confident and Competent Mairi Anne Macdonald Director of Sector Development


3 The impact of your first boss

4 Leadership…...

5 ….versus Management

6 Systems and Processes

7 Conflicting Priorities

8 New ways of working

9 Leading a Team?

10 Becoming a middle manager

11 Being a middle manager


13 What middle managers do Create structures for people to work in Develop people Translate strategic plans into operational practice Listen Create an environment for teams to succeed Be responsible for safe practice


15 Career Development Pathway for Social Workers ORGANISATIONAL LEADERSHIP Strategic Leadership Under-Graduate Programme NQSW Programme

16 What is the SSSC doing? Events for first line and middle managers next year Leading national workforce development for Integration and SDS Reviewing and re-launch PRTL Reviewing the Social Work Degree Developing a qualification for Chief Social Work Officers Working with stakeholders to identify the component parts of a pathway for social workers Develop and implement the career pathway

17 How you can be involved Participate in some of the events for managers Contribute to the reference groups that will be held for Integration and SDS Ideas from today will be included in our work – tell us what would make a difference to you Comment on the PRTL review online Be involved in stakeholder groups for the review of the SW Degree Respond to consultations Email your views and comments

18 Other Resources Step into Leadership Online resource bank to support a personal journey Can be used by people at every level in the organisation and by people who use services Continuous Learning Framework Identifies personal and organisational learning capabilities Supports positive practice development



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