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Health starts from the plate Teacher: Felicia Hagiu, Student: Latu Mihai, XI th standard (O), ”Elena Doamna” Food Industry College, Galati This project.

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Presentation on theme: "Health starts from the plate Teacher: Felicia Hagiu, Student: Latu Mihai, XI th standard (O), ”Elena Doamna” Food Industry College, Galati This project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health starts from the plate Teacher: Felicia Hagiu, Student: Latu Mihai, XI th standard (O), ”Elena Doamna” Food Industry College, Galati This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 “Health requires knowledge of the human structure and the strength of various foodstuffs, both natural and manmade. But their consumption is not sufficient to be healthy. It takes physical exercises, whose effects should also be known. The combination of these two things: eating and physical exercises make up living arrangements, paying proper attention to the season, the age and the personal circumstances of the individual. If there is a food deficiency or lack of exercises, your body will get sick. “ (Hippocrates, year 480 BC). The major factors which affect health are 10% of the social conditions, 8% of the medical conditions, 7% of the climatic conditions, 15% of the hereditary factors and 60% of the lifestyle and diet.

3 A proper diet is important for the health of the body in order to maintain a healthy weight to improve the wellbeing and to reduce the risk of many illnesses including heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. The healthy and balanced diet and the lifestyle may increase the body’s immunity. An active system of health care based on disease prevention, has to do with the food, thereby enhancing the quality of life. You have to eat properly to live a healthy life, because health demands a lifelong continuous cultivation.

4 The path to a healthy diet is not starving nor within or in excess consumption of healthy food. The path to a healthy diet is ensured by the following steps, which, with little movement and will, keep the body healthy and slim: - Balanced diet based largely on fruits and vegetables, dairy products (yogurt, milk), cottage cheese and whole grains, fish (this is very healthy containing omega 3, selenium and iodine) is also necessary for compliance hours table and fitness portion by age and weight; - Less fat and replacing, where possible, the animal fat with seed oils will diminish the risk of cardiovascular diseases; - Drinking enough fluids is very important – mineral water, herbal teas and juices (focus on alcohol, we must be careful because it brings extra calories!)

5 - Less salt and sugar – excessive amounts of salt can cause high blood pressure (for flavoring the food one can use different spices and condiments) to slowly consume sugar-based products and avoid, if possible, beverages containing sugar; - Enjoying food, chew it carefully and patiently, slowly, in a suitable, quiet atmosphere favoring pleasure to dine; - Eating many vegetables and fruits, which are intended to protect the body from harmful substances, it is suggested to eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables per day because they contain fibers, high doses of vitamins, and antioxidants that fight free radicals; - Consumption of grains and potatoes - they should not miss the daily menu. They provide valuable carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is ideal because it provides our body what it needs to be healthy; - Eating as much dairy products because they provide enough calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, they also contain selenium, which protects the cells against the free radicals;

6 -Appropriate amounts of food consumption to maintain appropriate body weight, should not be eaten too many or too little, too severely damaging the health of a system; - one should not adopt the unfair system of " eating only one cake", "crunch a few chips", "just drinking a bottle of beer" or "sneak in the fridge just this time" because it accumulates a large amount of calories, even if that feeling is not eaten; - Consumption of diversified foods from all food groups; - Dividing the 3 main meals in smaller quantities in 5-6 meals per day; - It is forbidden to skip the dinner and replace it with a slice of bread with butter or a sandwich; - Do not drink liquids with meals, because digestion is more difficult, causing more acid in the stomach; - After 5 pm it is not recommended to have meals rich in protein, that are hard to digest; - 2 hours before bedtime is advisable not to eat anything; - Rations must be adequate to maintain body weight;

7 In conclusion, our health is influenced by simple factors, of which the most important are nutrition and the physical activity. Food can be used both in the prevention and in the treatment of various diseases. You just have to know how to pick them! In this sense, to have a glowing skin, a slimmer silhouette and fight more effectively against diseases of all kinds, nutritionists recommend to eat foods in all colors (Rainbow menu): - Violet - blueberries, figs, plums, grapes, eggplant, red cabbage - contain powerful antioxidants that protect us against diseases of the liver, lower blood pressure, prevent premature aging, heart disease and cancer. - Orange - oranges, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, peaches, peppers - to protect our skin and prevent cancer. - Red - tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, currants and cherries - contain a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from sunburn and antitumor effects. - Yellow - bananas, lemons, corn, pineapple, grapefruit and yellow peppers reduce the risk of contracting certain cancers, strengthen the immune system and can help improve skin brightness. - Green - spinach, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, peas, apples, grapes, and kiwi - are rich in vitamin K, iron, potassium, calcium and may reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack. - White - potatoes, onions, garlic, mushrooms, cauliflower - helps strengthen the body's natural capacity strengthening.

8 ”The adequate food is your real medicine.” (Hippocrates)

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