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Quiet and Seated LOQ Quiz Current Events Lecture/Notes Kahoot!

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Presentation on theme: "Quiet and Seated LOQ Quiz Current Events Lecture/Notes Kahoot!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiet and Seated LOQ Quiz Current Events Lecture/Notes Kahoot!

2 Current Events

3 Jefferson Takes Office & Louisiana Purchase

4 Election of 1800 – Federalist - John Adams vs. Dem.Rep. - Thomas Jefferson Federalists feared the Dem.Rep.s were becoming to radical – they wanted to prevent a French Rev. from happening in America Dem.Rep.s wanted to save the nation from an oppressive monarchy – feared the govern. was taking our rights away (A.&S. Acts)

5 Jefferson will receive 73 electoral college votes Adams received only 65 votes – Aaron Burr also received 73 votes? – Federalists are out, but how do they decide who becomes the president?

6 It took the House of Reps. a week to decide the 3 rd pres. – Had to revote 36 times before a winner was declared Hamilton & the federalists lobbied against Aaron Burr. – Led to a duel July 12, 1804

7 Hamilton rap song Hamilton Vs. Burr in a nutshell &list=PLjBgEmNh2Cmca_BXp2UrhjRg7UyM8JHUo

8 Jefferson wanted the U.S. to remain a nation of small independent farmers – believed this would preserve strong morals and democratic values

9 After Jefferson took office in 1801, he and the new congress & worked hard to undo many of the Federalists programs – Alien & Sedition Acts – Cut taxes – Reduced the # of gov. employees Including downsizing the Army and Navy

10 Jefferson did not have the power to overdo the power granted to the Supreme Court by the Federalist – Judiciary Act of 1801 Increased the number of federal courts, judgeships, clerks, and marshals. President Adams, whose term of office was about to expire, quickly filled the new positions with Federalists.

11 Supreme Court in Action Marbury v. Madison (1803) – S.of S. James Madison refused to installed one of Adams last minute appoints – William Marbury – Marbury sued Madison – The case went to the Supreme Court – ruled in Madison’s favor – Established the principle of Judicial Review Supreme Court has the final say in the interpretation of the Constitution

12 In 1800 – the “West” in America referred to the Trans-Appalachian West – The area between the Appalachian Mtns and the Mississippi River France and Spain were negotiating ownership between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mtns

13 Spain also had claims over most of Cal. Russia and Great Britain had claims in the Oregon Territory up to Alaska

14 Napoleon was able to regain the Louisiana Territory from Spain in a secret treaty signed in 1800 When the Spanish were turning the port of N.O. over to the French, they closed it to American shipping – Westerners called for war with France and Spain

15 The Louisiana Purchase To avoid war – Jefferson offered to buy N.O. Napoleon asked if we would be interested in the entire LA. territory – Because of the war with Britain, France needed money more than land

16 Jefferson’s contradiction – The Constitution didn’t allow for the purchase of new land – But a nation of small farmers would need more land – T.J. bought the Louisiana Territory for $15mil (3cents per acre) – Doubled the size of the U.S.

17 Exploring the Louisiana Territory Jefferson chose Meriwether Lewis to lead the expedition Lewis chose William Clark to accompany him – Clark was a skilled mapmaker & outdoorsman

18 Lewis and Clark Expedition Instructed by Jefferson to: – Find a water route across the continent – Claim the Oregon Territory – Est. good relations w/N.A. – Create maps – Notes on plants, animals, landscape

19 Lewis and Clark Expedition Spring 1804: left St. Louis October 1804: reached N.Dakota Spring 1805: left N. Dakota – Accompanied by Sacagawea Guide / Interpreter

20 Lewis and Clark Expedition Fall, 1805: Reached the Columbia River Nov. 1805: Reached the Pacific Built Fort Clatsop 1806: Returned to St. Louis

21 Results of the exploration – Accurate maps of the new territory – Growth of fur trade – More people moving West

22 Daily assignment: – Read article in class Annotate in the margins for each paragraph Share your annotations with your neighbor Homework – 150 word summary of the article. 12pt, double spaced, and line edited before submission – Due Thursday 2/12

23 Today’s assignment Clear your desks With the exception of a sheet of paper and a writing utensil – Title paper Lewis and Clark Expedition – While watching the video, jot down 10 adjectives about the expedition – At the conclusion of the video – use your list of adjectives to write a brief summary of the journey (1 pages). Identify the different rivers, tribes, mountains and new scientific discoveries

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