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Programme plan Structure proposal and primary areas to address.

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Presentation on theme: "Programme plan Structure proposal and primary areas to address."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programme plan Structure proposal and primary areas to address

2 Programme plan Structure Governance SPOC Programme manager Quality SBU MashHubsWTCAF/ CON XXX Individual projects

3 Areas to be covered Governance SPOC Product definition - quality Finance agreement Corporate issues Service providers

4 Governance Confirmation of an existing board with empowered decision making to ensure progress. (Linked to SBU for each partner organisation.)

5 SPOC Responsible for delivery of specific areas and owner of tasks within their own organisation

6 Product definition - Quality To ensure clear understanding of what is to be delivered and support for plan/ schedule ensuring initial requirement is delivered and changes agreed through governance process.

7 Corporate delivery across agencies To ensure all partners progress simultaneously and examine if single agency can deliver services for all

8 Finance agreement All partners to understand and support financing plans decided through governance structure

9 Management of corporate issues/ Corporate task owners Individual work packages/ tasks will develop either as projects or sub group roles. Identified providers responsible for delivering or leading on specific broad areas e.g. information sharing, communication etc

10 Service providers Accessed within each organisation through programme SPOCS. Consider single partner organisation delivering for all on specific area. (HR, Finance, Training, Estates, Procurement, Legal, ICT, Data/ info security. )


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