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2 يمكن الاستفادة من هذا العرض التقديمي في مراجعة ما يتعلق ب WBCs maturation & Leukemia
هذا الجزء لا يشمل RBCs يمكن المراجعة ذاتيا عن طريق الضغط على زر العرض بحيث ستظهر الصورة بدون تعريف, وعلى الطالبة محاولة التعرف عليها وعند النقر على الماوس سيظهر تعريف الصورة.


4 Charecteristics of granulocyte granules
Charecteristics of granulocyte granules. The colour of the letters is the same as that of the granules and the backgroung the colour of cytoplasm of the cell the granules are most prominant in.

5 Pronormoblast

6 Auer rods in promyelocytes of M3

7 Toxic granulation of neutrophil

8 orthochromic normoblast


10 A- Pronormoblast B- polychromatic normoblast C- orthochromic normoblast


12 Promonocytes (with a single fissure in the nucleus)

13 b a A- neutrophilic metamyelocyte b- neutrophilic myelocyte


15 Promonocytes (with a single fissure in the nucleus)

16 b b c a A- Promonocyte B- orthochromic normoblast c- band neutrophil

17 Peroxidase negative , PAS positive blast cells
cells of the different populations, lymphoblasts from L2 type

18 basophilicnormoblasts

19 b b b b c b a a b d b f e A-pronormoblast b- orthochromic normoblast C- neutrophilic myelocyte D- neutrophilic metamyelocyte E- band neutrophil F- segmented neutrophil

20 b a a a a b b A- Promonocyte B- myeloid cell
(both are present in M4 leukemia b

21 a b b a- polychromatic normoblast (megaloblast)
b- orthochromic normoblast

22 a b b a A- Promonocyte B- promyelocyte (M4 leukemia)

23 Different maturation stages of myeloid cell in M2 leukemia.

24 Pronormoblast

25 Different maturation stages of myeloid cell with M2 leukemia.

26 Myeloblasts from M1 or M0 Peroxidase will confirm diagnosis

27 Myeloblasts from M1 Auer rods confirm diagnosis of M1 not present in M0

28 basophilic myelocyte

29 Peroxidase negative , PAS positive blast cells
Small cells of the same population, lymphoblasts from L1 type


31 Peroxidase negative , PAS positive blast cells
Small cells of the same population, lymphoblasts from L1 type


33 Peroxidase negative , PAS positive blast cells
cells of the different populations, lymphoblasts from L2 type

34 Monocytic precursors of M5 leukemia

35 Lymphoblasts of hairy cell leukemia (myelofibrosis)

36 Lymphoblasts of hairy cell leukemia (myelofibrosis)

37 Lymphoblasts of hairy cell leukemia (myelofibrosis)

38 Plasma cells of multiple myeloma (note the multinucleated cell)

39 PAS +ve lymphoblast from L3 leukemia

40 Plasma cells of multiple myeloma (note the multinucleated cell)

41 Plasma cells of multiple myeloma (note the multinucleated cell)

42 Peroxidase negative , PAS positive blast cells
cells of the different populations, lymphoblasts from L2 type

43 Erythrophagocytosis

44 Erythrophagocytosis

45 LE cell

46 a c b e d d d d A- Eosinophilic myelocyte B- Promyelocyte
C- Basophilic normoblast D- Polychromayic normoblast E- Orthochromic normoblast

47 Eosinophilic myelocyte

48 Basophilic metamyelocyte

49 Lymphoblasts of hairy cell leukemia (myelofibrosis)
The red stain is ACP +ve hairy cell

50 Eosinophilic metamyelocyte

51 megakaryocyte

52 Segmented Basophil

53 Promyelocytes with auer rod bundles from M3

54 CD 41 +ve cells Megakaryoblast from M7 leukemia

55 megakaryoblast

56 pronormoblasts

57 Erythroid prcusors from M6 Leukemia


59 MPO stain Myeloblast from M1

60 Different myeloid stages from M2

61 Different myeloid stages from M2

62 Different myeloid stages from M2

63 Promyelocytes with auer rod bundles from M3

64 Different eythroid precursors in M6 leukemia

65 Non specific esterase +ve cells
Monoblast From M5

66 PAS +ve lymphoblast from L1 leukemia

67 neutrophilic metamyelocyte and segmented neutrophil

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