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Climate Leadership in Yellowstone National Park. Overview About Yellowstone National Park Why is Climate Change Important to National Parks What is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Leadership in Yellowstone National Park. Overview About Yellowstone National Park Why is Climate Change Important to National Parks What is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Leadership in Yellowstone National Park

2 Overview About Yellowstone National Park Why is Climate Change Important to National Parks What is the Climate Friendly Parks Program? How is Yellowstone NP Responding to This Challenge?

3 About Yellowstone National Park Established in 1872, Yellowstone is America's first national park. Located in WY, MT, and ID, it is home to a large variety of wildlife including grizzly bears, wolves, bison, and elk. Preserved within are Old Faithful and a collection of the world's most extraordinary geysers and hot springs, and the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone At peak summer levels, 3,500 employees work for Yellowstone National Park concessioners and about 800 work for the park.

4 About Yellowstone National Park The human history of the Yellowstone region goes back more than 11,000 years. Native Americans used the park as their homes, hunting grounds, and transportation routes. With the establishment of Yellowstone a new concept was born and a new way for people to preserve and protect the best of what they had for the benefit of future generations. In 1895, Yellowstone had 5,400 visitors. In 2005, they had 2.8 million visitors.

5 About Yellowstone National Park Yellowstone is one of the last, nearly intact, natural ecosystems in the temperate zone of Earth. Here, natural processes operate in an ecological context that has been less subject to human alteration than most others throughout the nation—and indeed throughout the world. 36% of Yellowstone NP was affected by the 1988 fires (793K acres)

6 The Climate is Changing The 1980s and 1990s are the warmest decades on record. The 10 warmest years in global meteorological history have all occurred in the past 15 years. The 20th century has been the warmest globally in the past 1000 years.

7 National Parks at Risk Glaciers shrinking: The loss of all glaciers in Glacier NP by 2030. Rising ocean temperatures: The loss of up to 25% of the coral reefs in Biscayne Bay by 2030. Extinction of flora and fauna: The loss of Moose from Isle Royale National Park by 2050. Severe weather events: Increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes, floods and drought and forest fires.

8 GHG Emission Sources Energy Use –Stationary sources, mobile sources, purchased electricity, petroleum and natural gas activities Waste Mgt. –Land filled solid waste, wastewater treatment Land use –Fertilizer application, forest burning and ranching Product use –Refrigeration and air-conditioning

9 Climate Friendly Parks (CFP) Program Collaboration between National Park Service and Environmental Protection Agency. Measure park-based GHG and CAP emissions Develop sustainable strategies to mitigate emissions Educate the public about NPS’s efforts to address climate change Empower individuals to “Do Your Part”

10 Yellowstone Becomes a Climate Friendly Park Performing a ecosystem-wide GHG and CAP emission inventory. Educating park staff and visitors about climate change Developing an Action Plan that reduces emissions Implementing “Do Your Part” Campaign

11 Focus on Partnerships Unique EMS Program that includes state, federal and concessioner members. The Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee includes Forest Service, NPS and Fish and Wildlife members. The Yellowstone Foundation is working with the park to develop their climate friendly action plan. The Greater Yellowstone Area received Clean Cities designation in 2002. A collaborative effort with local government.

12 Yellowstone Uses The Climate Leadership in Parks Tool (CLIP) 3 main sections of CLIP: Module 1: Current Emissions and Activities –Establish an emissions baseline Module 2: Mitigation and Action Planning –Determine mitigation strategies and develop an Action Plan Module 3: Education and Outreach –Provide park Staff, visitors and community with the tools and resources to address climate change

13 Yellowstone’s Do Your Part! Program A program for park visitors to help reduce GHG emissions at home –Sign-up for the Do Your Part! Program –Use the GHG emission calculator to determine personal GHG emissions and report goals online –Select Do Your Part! strategies to reduce emissions –Receive monthly tips on Do Your Part strategies and an update on NPS progress on meeting its goal. –Re-calculate emissions every year to determine progress and report online

14 Climate Friendly Actions Achieved West Yellowstone Composting Facility composted 3000 tons of waste. 70% waste diversion rate park-wide. Green Path Program at Yellowstone General Store features green products. Ecologix Program at other concessions areas features green living.

15 Climate Friendly Actions Achieved Partnership with Toyota for Hybrid Cars logs 80,000 miles. Employee Ride Share Program helps 45 employees using biodiesel bus. Clean Snowmobiles Challenge results in major design changes to 4 stroke engines. Alternative Fuels Program promotes biodiesel. All park vehicle participate. 1 st LEED Certified Housing Units in MT in collaboration with the concessioner.

16 What Else Will Yellowstone Do Yellowstone will calculate their carbon footprint this year. Park managers will begin to identify natural and cultural resources at risk and prioritize these for protection. Park managers will begin to “adapt” to climate change… that is to say; reduce existing environmental stressors, relocate infrastructure, create ecological buffers. Visitor education remains the key. Do Your Part.


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