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Creating Flexible, Script-Controlled Autonomous Software.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Flexible, Script-Controlled Autonomous Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Flexible, Script-Controlled Autonomous Software

2 My Name: Chris Hibner Mentor FRC 51 - Wings of Fire  Control Systems Engineer  Involved with FIRST for a LONG time  Plenty of industry experience  Cool Degrees (Go Blue!) “Chris Hibner”

3 Why should I care about this? 1. Flexibility: do you really know what the optimal autonomous routine is? 2. Fast changes: no need to compile and deploy code. 3. “Building Block” method: easy to break the problem into small, manageable chunks. 4. Expandability: easy to add more features if you deem necessary.

4  It is not a magic bullet to solve all of your autonomous problems.  It is simply a method of organizing your software.  The method presented here is not the only way to accomplish scripted autonomous  Most likely, it is not the best way.  It is a fairly simple way (and highly effective).

5  The “Primitive”, or building block.  It is a single, simple move that you program your robot to do – usually a driving maneuver.  Think of it as a toolbox or a bag of tricks  What are some primitives that you would want in your autonomous software? Ex: 1. Delay / Do Nothing 2. Drive straight 3. Turn in place 4. Go to X,Y coordinate 5. etc.

6  How to transition from one primitive to the next?  Exit conditions must be defined for each primitive  What would be the exit conditions for the primitives we decided on?  CAVEAT: What if you can’t get to the exit condition?  What parameters are needed by the primitives?  Operating parameters (heading, distance, power, etc.)  Exit Conditions

7  Each primitive is like a function or class.  Parameters are passed to the primitive like arguments to a function  Ex: straight(heading, distance, power)  The primitives are selected and the parameters are passed to the primitive via a simple script.  Therefore: no need to change your software: just change the script!

8  Each primitive is assigned a unique ID number (enumeration).  Each primitive has numeric parameters.  Since we only need numeric data, a matrix (2-D Array) can be used to represent the script.  Each column of the script is one primitive  1 st entry: primitive ID  2 nd entry: parameter 1  3 rd entry: parameter 2  Etc.  Number of entries in each column depends on the maximum number of parameters.

9  The script is a matrix (2-D Array)  Each column represents one primitive  Example: 01022 2610010 203152505001500 00.5 1 00000 20001 00.4 ID 1 st column: Starting position 1 st primitive param1 param2........

10  Example script means the following:  Column 1: Start at Hdg = 0; X = 261; Y = 203  Column 2: Drive Straight (ID 1), Hdg = 0, for 15 inches, power = 0.5, Roller at 0.4. 01022 2610010 203152505001500 00.5 1 00000 20001 00.4 ID Hdg dist/time power roller kick

11  Column 3: Do Nothing (ID 0) for 250 msec.  Column 4: Hold Position (ID 2), Hdg = 10 deg, for 500 msec, Max power = 1.0.  Column 5: Hold Position, Hdg = 10 deg, for 1500 msec, kick ball 01022 2610010 203152505001500 00.5 1 00000 20001 00.4 ID Hdg dist/time power roller kick

12  The script can be as long or as short as you want. Each script can be different.  The script is stored on the cRIO as a.CSV file. 0102221756222 2610010 00391 0.3-77 203152505001500100065174 5001000 500 00.5 1 1 0.750.650.2200 0000000000000 2000100000000 00.4 -0.3000000


14  Column index is the key! – this selects the primitive and parameters from the matrix. 01022 2610010 203152505001500 00.5 1 00000 20001 00.4

15  Use a “Case Structure” or “switch/case”  Each “Case” one primitive  Each case is numbered: set each case number to the primitive ID you selected.  In each case, put your code for that primitive (or call a function for the primitive) – don’t forget the exit condition logic in your code.  In each primitive, when you reach the exit condition, increment the array column index.  After incrementing the index, the next primitive happens automatically – like magic

16  ColumnIndex = 1: ColumnIndex = 2:  In your software, when you reach the exit condition of one primitive:  Increment ColumnIndex (ColumnIndex++)  Next primitive will start “automagically” 1 0 15 0.5 0 0 0.4 0 0 250 0.5 0 0 0.4

17  Cycling through the primitives: 01022 2610010 203152505001500 00.5 1 00000 20001 00.4 ColumIndex: 1 2 3 4

18 // atnArr is the autonArray // ind is the column index switch (atnArr[0][ind]) { case 0: ind = delay(atnArr[1][ind],atnArr[2][ind]); break; case 1: ind = straight(atnArr[1][ind],atnArr[2][ind]); break; Etc... 1 0 15 0.5 0 0 0.4

19 uint8 ind = straight(float desiredHdg, float dist) { const float speed = 0.7; float turn = PID(desiredHdg, Hdg); rightDrive = (speed + turn); leftDrive = (speed – turn); // exit condition: if (encoderDist >= dist) { ind++; } return ind; }


21  Separate 2-D array into each row:

22  Index into each parameter via the Index:


24  Use Case Structure (C++: switch/case)  Each case is a primitive.  Number each case with the primitive ID.  In each case, put your code for that primitive – don’t forget the exit condition logic.  Start autonomous with array index = 0 or 1 (depending if you use the first column for starting position).  In each primitive, when you reach the exit condition, increment the array index.  The next primitive starts automatically.

25  cRIO file structure:

26  How to read a file in the cRIO:  Use Read From Spreadsheet  AutonArray is our 2-D array

27  Getting the scripts to the cRIO: FTP  FileZilla is free

28  Let’s make a script for our autonomous code and run it in simulation.  Shameless plug for tomorrow’s presentation here.

29 1. Create your autonomous code in a sub-vi. 2. Put your sub-vi in 3. Hook up inputs (sensor readings) and outputs (motor commands) to your sub-vi. 4. Wrap a “while loop” around everything. (That’s all there is to it)

30  Why: Add flexibility / fast autonomous changes  How: Determine your primitives  Determine primitive parameters – don’t forget exit conditions.  Create Case Structure – one case for each primitive.  Use 2-D array as a script to control the autonomous software  Primitive is determined by the column index. When you exit one primitive, increment the column index and the next primitive starts automatically.

31  Spreadsheet program, such as Excel or OpenOffice Calc  FTP software (such as FileZilla)  Simulation program is nice to have.  2 nd shot at shameless plug

32  Presentation material and sample software will be posted on in CD- Media/Papers area.  Feel free to send me a PM on : “Chris Hibner”








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