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Matthias Hauschild International Legal Division Phone +49(0)30 865 89236 Coordination of rehabilitation benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthias Hauschild International Legal Division Phone +49(0)30 865 89236 Coordination of rehabilitation benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matthias Hauschild International Legal Division Phone +49(0)30 865 89236 Coordination of rehabilitation benefits

2 Subsidiarity (Art. 5 Abs. 3 TEU) (national governments) Equal treatment (Art. 18 TFEU) (EU citizens) Free movement (Art. 21 TFEU) (EU citizens) Coordination of Social Security (Art. 48 TFEU) (Migrants and Social Security institutions) EU-Law and adressees

3 Coordination – where to classify ? sickness benefits (in cash or in kind) Invalidity benefits (invalidity pensions = cash benefits) unemployment benefits (cash benefits) + „all … systems of social security…“ „VRB…, to maintain, improve or restore the work capacity of the insured person…“ With the help of: Benefits in kind - and cash benefits Reg 883/04 and Reg 987/09 coordinate a.o.: German definition of VRB (§ 33 SGB IX) :

4 Coordination of cross-border cases Cash beneftis, Art. 7 Reg. 883/04: Benefits in kind, Art. 19 Reg. 883/04: paid by thegranted by the competent institutioninstitution in the country of residence or stay to the recipient inreimbursed by the the country of residence or staycompetent institution problem: different kind of benefits

5 The role of the Master Directory

6 Sickness benefits by the pension sector… in cases of rehabilitation DRV acts as an institution of residence or stay benefits have to be paid by the competent institution Benefits granted by the pension sector are not sickness benefits. That´s why a reimbursement is not possible. Reimbursement of benefits in kind are possible only among sickness institutions Germany (DRV)Luxemburg

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