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Progress Report to the West Valley City Council on No Kill effort Time Period June – Nov 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Report to the West Valley City Council on No Kill effort Time Period June – Nov 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Report to the West Valley City Council on No Kill effort Time Period June – Nov 2012

2 Well on the Road to Success Comparing Jan – Sept 2011 to 2012: – 624 fewer animals have entered the shelter – 100 more adoptions – 72 more return to owner – 863 fewer deaths! Save Rate – 2012: 92.3% for dogs, 71.5% for cats = 82% – 2011: 87.9% for dogs, 34.7% for cats = 57.8% The goal for the MOU was to achieve an 80% Save Rate by June 2014. Best Friends considers No Kill to be 90% or greater.

3 Adoptions Support GoalsProgress toward Goal Adoption Support – For 2012, work collaboratively with shelter staff, area rescues, and volunteers to increase adoptions -Host two longterm adoption campaigns designed to save 400 cats and dogs -Take shelter animals out on mobile adoptions at least 2 times per month with goal of 100 Beginning in 2013, launch more aggressive strategies to increase cat and pit bull terrier adoptions Supported 4 campaigns so far: 1)Kitty Palooza – ran June – July 23 rd = 62 2)$5 Felines – ran July 23 rd – August 31 st = 114 3)Pick Your Price – ran in Sept = 41 4)$9 Lives for $9 – ran in November = 50 5)Coming soon - Holiday Pet Adoption Campaign – to run in December Ongoing campaigns developed to help hard to adopt animals: 1)Seniors for Seniors -began 1 st week of August = 1 2)$50 Pitbulls – began 1 st week of August – 22 adoptions, 6 transfers = 28 Mobile adoptions = 2 Steering Committee decided to temporarily suspend mobiles so we can focus on adoption promotions. Beginning October, Best Friends placed a staff member in the shelter 1-2 day a week to support adoptions. Total Adoptions Facilitated = 298

4 Community Cats GoalsProgress toward Goal Community Cat TNR Program – Between 2 nd Quarter 2012 – EOY 2013, implement an innovative TNR program based on Utah’s new Community Cat Act -Save 75% of “feral” cats entering the shelter system, returning all cats that qualify to the location from which they were trapped= an est. 850 cats -Provide TNR resources to the public to assist with colony management, nuisance complaints, etc -Provide s/n vouchers to WVC and Taylorsville residents trapping feral cats = an est 500 cats Ferals released from the shelter: June – Oct =230 Resident assisted TNR: June – Oct = 94 S/N Vouchers: June – Nov (West Valley only) Issued = 464 Redeemed* = 99 *Redeemed numbers still reporting, #s will increase as invoices are received from private vets. Total Community Cats Assisted = 423

5 Spay/Neuter GoalsProgress toward Goal Owned Pet Spay/Neuter Assistance – Between 3 rd Quarter 2012 – EOY 2013, use the Big Fix and network of private veterinarians to provide an increased number of spay and neuter surgeries to residents of WVC and Taylorsville -Decrease overall shelter intake by 10% -Provide 2,000 free s/n surgeries to low income households in WVC and Taylorsville and to residents of targeted zip codes -2012 and 2013- Host Neighborhood Pit Bull Day in WVC to provide s/n, microchip and licensing for pit bull terriers Targeted S/N assistance program for low income residents began in September. S/N Vouchers: Sept – Nov (West Valley only) Issued = 82 Redeemed* = 67 * Due to delay in receiving the vouchers from our private vet partners, we only have a portion of redeemed vouchers. Neighborhood Pitbull Day - ran weeks of October 15 th and October 22 nd – numbers pending

6 Financials June – Oct, 2012 ProjectAmount Veterinary Care – External$7,831 Supplies-Office$60 Promotion Expense$ 4,449 Adoption Stipends$6,220 Travel - Auto $58 TNR Salary$12,127 TOTAL$30,745 Personnel Commitment: Best Friends staff: 1)TNR Coordinator: FTE – 40 hrs/week 2)Adoptions Support: PTE – 1-2 days/week 3)Several staff have supporting roles Steering Committee: Meets monthly, organized by Best Friends 8 members Kelly Davis, Director of Operations Tess Harwell, Adoptions Coordinator Anna Gonce, Executive Director, Best Friends Tracy Kelley, Coalition Manager, Best Friends Lydia Beuning, Support Services, Best Friends Davide Ulivieri, S/N & Community Animals, Best Friends Kathy Parrish – West Valley City citizen Lynette Wendel – Taylorsville citizen

7 What’s Next – Achieving No Kill Mobilize the community to get behind the principles of a No Kill Community. For our progress to be sustainable, we need community engagement. Community involvement is the key to success: The problem originates in the community & the community must become part of the solution! Calls to Action to be pushed in the community: 1.Spay/Neuter your own pets 2.Microchip/license your own pets 3.Adopt your next pet 4.Be a responsible pet owner – observe leash laws, don’t let your pets roam, pick up after your pet, etc.

8 Thank you for helping to bring about a time of No More Homeless Pets ® "I am delighted that the West Valley City Council has seen fit to work closely with the Best Friends team in Northern Utah to help save more lives. Our partnership is one of a very few progressive programs, leading the way in public/private collaboration and creating benefits for both citizens and animals in the community. The people of WVC can be very proud that their city council is making this ground- breaking move.“ - - - - Gregory Castle, CEO and Co-Founder, Best Friends Animal Society

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