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Walking Tour of Canterbury. 1. Christ Church Gate.

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1 Walking Tour of Canterbury



4 1. Christ Church Gate

5 This magnificent gateway through was built in 1520 as a memorial to Prince Arthur, the older brother of King Henry VIII. He died at the age of 15. You can see Canterbury Cathedral through this gateway. There are many coats of arms on the gate, including The Royal Tudor Coat of Arms which features the Tudor rose and a Tudor Port Cullis, or gate. The other Coats of Arms are those of friends of the Prince. The central statue of Christ was designed by the sculptor Klaus Ringwald in 1990. For more than 300 years, there was no Christ figure. The original was destroyed by Oliver Cromwell's men in 1643, during the civil war. Canterbury also has much more ancient history. The Romans were here from around 44 AD and the Christian history began in the 6 th century AD. To continue your tour, turn right into Burgate. Point 2 is several hundred metres along the right hand side of Burgate, outside St Thomas’s Church.

6 2. St. Thomas’s Church St. Thomas's Church is more modern than the other buildings nearby, and it is very different to Canterbury Cathedral. This area was heavily bombed in WW2 and almost ¼ of the ancient city was destroyed. Luckily, the Cathedral survived the bombs thanks to the effort of the fire department. The church was built in the 19 th century and was extended after WW2. There is a sculpture on the wall to the right of the church, celebrating the arrival of Saint Augustine, more than 1400 years ago. To continue your tour, carry on the right side of Burgate, crossing Canterbury lane and stop at the end of the road where you will see a section of the city’s walls.

7 3. The Old Wall Canterbury became a walled city in Roman times, with the entire city sitting within a circular border. Included within the walls were an amphitheatre, a forum and public baths. Over the centuries, the wall has been rebuilt in places, reinforced and maintained. The wall has long served as a defence against attackers. (There is a plaque on the wall which you should read to the students.) To continue the tour, cross Lower Bridge Street, turn left and walk along the right hand side of the road for about 200 metres. Point 4 is at Lady Wootton's Green, a small park with 2 statues.

8 4. Lady Wootton’s Green

9 The pair of statues, which have been here since 2006, depict King Ethelbert and Queen Bertha who are important people in Canterbury’s history: Ethelbert became King of Kent in 561 AD and reigned for 56 years. St. Augustine arrived in Canterbury from Rome in order to reconvert England to Christianity. He was welcomed and given lands to build an abbey and a cathedral. If you look to the right, back across Lower Bridge Street, by the walls, you will see the remains of the Quenin Gate. This was one of the original Roman gates. To continue your tour, walk towards Finden gate, cross Monastery Street, turn right and walk along the left hand side of the road. After about 200m, the road turns left and heads into the Longport area. Follow the ancient walls. Stop where the wall turns to modern red bricks and you will be able to see the remains of St. Augustine’s Abbey. This is Point 5.

10 5. St. Augustine’s Abbey The earliest Abbey was dedicated to St. Paul and St. Peter and soon became the burial place for the earliest archbishops, and the kings and queens of Kent, including Ethelbert and Bertha. In the 900s, the abbey was dedicated to St. Augustine himself. In the ground of the Abbey, there are the remains of several separate churches. Henry VIII dissolved the abbey in 1538 and destroyed most of the buildings. The stone was used to help build many other castles, some even as far as Calais in France.

11 5. St. Augustine’s Abbey The view from the railings. To continue the tour, carry on walking along long port, baring left at the junction. After another 300 metres, heading past a school on your right and a prison on your left, turn left into St. Martins Lane. Ahead will be the gateway to St. Martins Church. This is Point 6.

12 6. St. Martins Church Left here Downhere Go through the arch to see the church

13 6. St. Martins Church This small church is the third part of Canterbury’s World Heritage Site. It is an important part of the city’s history. The church is open to the public on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. Otherwise, the grounds are available at all times to have a walk. To continue with the tour, go back the way you have just come, along Longport. When you reach the roundabout, take the left exit down Lower Chantry Lane and then turn right to go down Ivy Lane. Point 7 is about 150 metres down Ivy Lane by a magnificent beamed building called ‘The Hall’.

14 7. The Hall This is a typical example of a Weldon hall house; a rural timber style house dating from the early 15 th century. The house is built around a central hall with 2 wings, one for the owner and one for the servants. To continue your tour, carry on along Ivy Lane unit you reach the Chaucer Hotel at the end of the road. At this point, use the pedestrian underpass to cross underneath the busy intersection. When you resurface, you will be in front of a department store. This is Point 8.

15 8. The Corner of George Street and Upper Bridge Street 1. Up the ramp. 1. 2. Along the wall 2. 3. Down the ramp. 3.

16 If you turn to face the roundabout, you’ll see a section of the old city walls to your right. Follow the concrete ramp up to the top of the city walls, passing the bus station on your right. To reach the next audio point, walk along the wall for several hundred metres leaving by the first ramp down on the right hand side, shortly after you pass the end of the bus station. When you have descended the ramp, turn right onto Watling Street and walk to Point 9. 4. And down onto Watling Street 4. 8. The Corner of George Street and Upper Bridge Street

17 9. Dane John Gardens This open space was given to the people of Canterbury by Alderman Dane Simmonds. There is an ancient mound that offers a fantastic view of the city. It is well worth the walk up. The name ‘Dane John’ was thought to have derived from the French word ‘Dans Jon’ which means a keep. Indeed, in early Roman times, there was a small keep (a type of tower) on top of the mound.

18 9. Dane John Gardens To get to the final point of the tour carry on down Watling street, turn right into Rose Lane. Continue to follow Rose Lane until you reach the junction with St. George’s Street and Point 10.

19 10. Canterbury Cathedral Amazingly, the buildings on the left side of this narrow street are several hundred years older than the buildings on the right. This is a great place to photograph the Cathedral. The Cathedra is one of the 3 buildings which are part of the World Heritage Site. The year 1170 is important in Canterbury’s history. Archbishop Thomas Beckett was murdered in the Cathedral by 4 Norman knights. This was the result of the power struggle between the church and the Monarchy. Shortly after his death, Beckett was declared a martyr and his bones were considered holy and people said they had miraculous healing powers. The town soon became a centre for pilgrims from all over the world. Most of this area of Canterbury was destroyed by bombs during WW2 which is why there are no old buildings here. To continue, turn to your left and take the first road on the right, Butchery Lane.

20 10. Canterbury Cathedral Today, Canterbury is still considered one of the four most important Pilgrimage sites in the world, the others being Rome, Jerusalem and Santiago de Compo Stella. When you reach the end of Butchery Lane, turn left into Burgate and return to the starting point outside the tourist centre.

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