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4 th SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on “Future Networks for a better Africa: IMT-2020, Trust, Cloud Computing and Big Data” (Accra, Ghana, 14-15 March.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on “Future Networks for a better Africa: IMT-2020, Trust, Cloud Computing and Big Data” (Accra, Ghana, 14-15 March."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th SG13 Regional Workshop for Africa on “Future Networks for a better Africa: IMT-2020, Trust, Cloud Computing and Big Data” (Accra, Ghana, 14-15 March 2016) African countries and Cloud Computing Soumaya Benbartaoui Head of department – ARPT SG13 RG-AFR vice-chair 1

2 Cloud Computing Introduction - Advantages Barriers of Adoption of Cloud Servives Africain Project in Cloud Computing Conclusion & Recommandations 2

3 Cloud Computing Introduction and Advantages 3

4 - - - - Mainframe PC Computer Client - Server DesktopInternet CloudComputing Evolution of Cloud Computing 4

5 What is Cloud Computing ? A paradigm for enabling network access to a scalable and elastic pool of shareable physical or virtual resources with self-service provisioning and administration on-demand. (Source : ISO/IEC 17788 | Recommendation ITU-T Y.3500 “Information technology - Cloud computing - Overview and vocabulary”) 5

6 Cloud Computing services SaaS (End users) PaaS ( Application developers) IaaS (Network architect) Value Visibility to the End Users 6

7 Cloud Computing services 7

8 8

9 Cost efficiency 9

10 Pay per use 10

11 Cost efficiency Pay per use Faster time to market 11

12 Cost efficiency Pay per use Faster time to market Innovation 12

13 Cost efficiency Pay per use Faster time to market Innovation System automatization 13

14 Cost efficiency Pay per use Faster time to market Innovation System automatization Green computing 14

15 Cost efficiency Pay per use Faster time to market Innovation System automatization Green computing 15

16 Cloud computing by the numbers 16

17 Cloud computing by the numbers Source : Goldman Sachs Research 2015/#11c433986c7a Cloud Computing Infrastructure and Platform Market ($ Billions, 2013 – 2018 e ) 17

18 Barriers to adopt Cloud Computing 18

19 Internet penetration The penetration remains is still low compared with other countries The number of internet users globally will have attained almost 3 billions, two-thirds of the world internet users are from the developing world, in developing countries, the number of internet users will have doubled in 5 years, from 974 million in 2009 to 1,9 billion 19

20 Broadband and datacenter The majority of datacenter, if not the totality, are located outside the African countries and it's not easy to trust in new technologies when your data is stored somewhere, out of your legislation. In Africa, almost 20% of the population will be online by end 2015, up from 10% in 2010 Distribution of datacenter per region 20 Note: * Estimate ** Commonwealth of Independent States Source: ITU World Telecommunication /ICT Indicators database

21 Where cloud data resides and what laws might apply Source: Cipher cloud - The Cloud Data Compliance Conundrum 21

22 Data protection law in Africa 2015 Source: Emerging Data Protection regulations in Africa 22

23 Humain potentiel The majority of African Countries fortunately have young population who need to be tainted to acquirer experience. This population represents these countries future. The government as well as companies need to invest onto this young population. Generation 2030 / AFRICA Report Source: UNICEF 23

24 Africa Cloud Projects 24

25 Projects E-government In Ethiopia: The goverment has adopted cloud computing strategy with plan and it is working with Korean republic to upgrade datacenter using technology supplied by Korean company and 16.000 Km of fiber has extended broadband access to about 40% of the population. In Nigeria : The public sector has adopted cloud computing architecture to deliver public services. With World Bank support, the Nigerian government moved the public sector payroll systems to the cloud through a SaaS arrangement. The federal government of Nigeria claims to have saved NGN 14 billion (USD70million) through this initiative (Odufuwa, 2013). 25

26 Projects E- health University of Pretoria, South Africa uses the cloud for the next -generation medical research. Students in the university use the cloud in the development of drugs, which are expected to cure Africa - specific serious illnesses. Innovative e ‑ Health Solutions in Africa Award initiative of “African Development Bank Group” 26

27 Projects E-education The Higher Education Alliance for Leadership Through Health Alliance, a consortium of 7 universities from Kenya, Ethiopia, Congo, Tanzania and Uganda, is working with industry experts to extend education through virtual computing labs that students access remotely. 27

28 Recommandations 28

29 Recommandations Developing infrastructure, particularly through partnerships Introducing cloud computing into university courses Awareness on the benefits of Cloud Computing by organizing workshop as those organized by the ITU or IEEE Collaboration and work together to create a secure et good environment for the development of cloud computing Encourage the participation of African countries on international work and studies on cloud computing like the ITU-T SG13 RG-AFR. 29

30 Thank you for your attention 30


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