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Chapter 14, Section 1 Spirit of the Renaissance Read Pgs

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1 Chapter 14, Section 1 Spirit of the Renaissance Read Pgs. 325 - 329
Global II Chapter 14, Section 1 Spirit of the Renaissance Read Pgs

2 Objectives 4.1 Explain why the Renaissance began in Italy
4.2 Describe the ideas and attitudes Renaissance thinkers stressed 4.3 Compare the Renaissance in Northern Europe & Italy

3 Lesson Launch Direction: Use the diagram below to discuss the following questions. 1. How was the individual viewed according to Humanism? 2. What did Humanism expect people to do in their daily life? What Medieval institution does this seem to contradict with? 3. According to Humanism were individuals expected to be active or inactive? 1. 2. 3. Renaissance Man!!

4 1.Renaissance Features Rediscover the Greeks & Romans Emphasis on:
Art Preserved by: Architecture Byzantine, Hellenistic, Islamic Civs. Literature Emphasis on: Glorify the Individual ~ Life Now…Not Later!! Worldly Matters ~ Not Catholic Church (Trade, Economy, Gov’t.) (Spirituality) Achievements in Art, Lit, Architecture Michelangelo Raphael Leonardo Donatello Renaissance Middle Ages Reason Questioning Spirit Experimentation Individual Faith Authority Tradition Church

5 2.The Italian City - States
Led the Renaissance Independent and self-confident No king Wealthy from trade and industry Powerful Middle Class Concerned about education Time and Money to become patrons Florence & the Medici Family Powerful banking family Well educated – want to beautify Florence.

6 REVIEW TIME! Take Out Your Notes!!
Discuss the following with a partner!!! REVIEW TIME! What are three things a Renaissance man might be good at? What are two reasons that the Renaissance started in Italy? What was one idea or attitude that Renaissance thinkers stressed?

7 3.Humanities Humanism Renaissance Humanists
Study of subjects taught in Ancient Greece – Grammar, Rhetoric, Poetry, and History. Basis of education during Renaissance Renaissance Humanists Practical – wanted to learn about the world around them – the secular world = non-religious Education – key to becoming well rounded individual. *These lead to a philosophy of belief in the importance of the INDIVIDUAL Humanism

8 4.Machiavelli Wrote “The Prince” Famous quotes:
Machiavelli Clip Wrote “The Prince” Famous quotes: “The ends justifies the means” “Safer to be feared than loved” Major work on ethics and government Describes the reality of politics Mixture of cunning, diplomacy, and ruthlessness Will appear later in history… Metternich, Bismarck, Hitler, Stalin


10 Venn Diagram Northern Europe Renaissance Italian Renaissance
Middle Class (Merchants & Bankers) are Patrons Studied Classical Greeks & Romans Humanists focus on the Individual Feudalism stronger here Kings, Queens, Nobles are Patrons Studied Classical Christendom (early Christian writings) Humanists want to uncover purer Christian faith Protestant Reformation begins here! Stress Ind. achievement Creative/ Questioning Spirit Strong Faith in Christianity

11 The Renaissance Mid. Ages Renaissance Modern Europe Water Question:
What do you think this picture means? Tell the person next to you!! It is a bridge that connects the Middle Ages with modern Europe, without it the transition never would have been made!!!! Mid. Ages Renaissance Modern Europe Water

12 Closure Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?
What are some of the ideas and attitudes Renaissance thinkers stressed? How is the Renaissance in Northern Europe and Italy different?

13 HOMEWORK!! The Italian Renaissance

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