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Headline in Arial Bold 30pt Cyclic Dependencies and Deadlock Cyclic Dependencies and Deadlock in Computer Networks (with historical anectdotes) Greg Thorson.

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Presentation on theme: "Headline in Arial Bold 30pt Cyclic Dependencies and Deadlock Cyclic Dependencies and Deadlock in Computer Networks (with historical anectdotes) Greg Thorson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Headline in Arial Bold 30pt Cyclic Dependencies and Deadlock Cyclic Dependencies and Deadlock in Computer Networks (with historical anectdotes) Greg Thorson (

2 6/23/2016Slide 2 A Small Corner of Parallel Computing History My initial brush with cyclic dependences came in the late 80s when we at Cray Research, Inc (not to be confused with Cray, Inc) were still completely focused on vector computers Eugene Brooks III was evangelizing the “Attack of the Killer Micros” 2 or 3 (depending on how you count) of us at Cray Research started looking into massively parallel interconnection of microprocessors. To add to the flavor, you must understand what heresy this was at a place like Cray Research. Disclaimers: The references listed on the last slide are old, but so am I Don’t bother looking for more of my writings. I don’t typically publish anything unless someone kicks me in the butt.

3 6/23/2016Slide 3 Cray Research, Inc. Y-MP Interconnect: Dedicated resources to and from memory 8 8

4 6/23/2016Slide 4 My First Encounter with Deadlock, 1989 Simple simulated network used for research into massive parallelism Used the same network for processor requests and memory replies

5 6/23/2016Slide 5 First Encounter: Node 2 read from 0 Single stream of references flowed very nicely Request into servicing node Reply out of servicing node Request out of requesting node Reply into requesting node

6 6/23/2016Slide 6 First Encounter: Node 2 read from 0 and vice-versa. This ground to a halt. Two streams in opposite directions quickly locked up and never flowed again

7 6/23/2016Slide 7 First Encounter: What went wrong? Requests quit flowing into 0, because responses were blocked by requests flowing out of 0. The same thing was happening on node 2. My first dependence cycle.

8 6/23/2016Slide 8 First Encounter: Solution was Virtual Channels to Break Request-Response Cycle. We broke the cycle by adding virtual resources within the switch. Unfortunately, Dally and Seitz had beaten us to it [1].

9 6/23/2016Slide 9 Rings: Cycles due to physical loops in the network itself (i.e. turn cycles) Cycles can also be found due to physical loops in the network as opposed to the cycle be closed at the endpoints. In this case, the traffic does not need to include both requests and responses to have a cycle.

10 6/23/2016Slide 10 Rings: Breaking Turn Cycles The concept of a dateline can be very useful for getting deadlock free configurations. Traffic on a given set of resources is restricted from crossing a dateline. VC0 VC1

11 6/23/2016Slide 11 Strict Ordering: Avoiding Cyclic Dependence If a strict ordering of resources can be followed, there are no cycles. In other words, number all of the resources and traverse them in such a way that you never turn from a higher numbered resource to a lower numbered resource.

12 6/23/2016Slide 12 013 802 700 000 033 801 701 020 053 800 702 040 012 602 500 001 032 601 501 021 052 600 502 041 011 402 300 002 031 401 301 022 051 400 302 042 A simple example of ordered resources to show a cycle-free dimension order (x then y) 010 202 100 003 030 201 101 023 050 200 102 043

13 6/23/2016Slide 13 Strict Ordering: Examples Dimension-Order [1] in a 3-D Mesh Example: network entry < x < y < z < network exit Dimension-Order in a 2-D Torus Example: network entry < x vc0 < x vc1 < y vc0 < y vc1 < network exit Direction-Order [2] in a 3-D Mesh Example: network entry < +x < +y < +z < -x < -y < -z < network exit Turn Model [3]: a more general set of constraints

14 6/23/2016Slide 14 Adaptive Routing [2] [4] Adaptive routing allows for turns that would normally be considered illegal Rules and resources must be provided to deal with back-pressure on illegal turns. Can make illegal turn if NACK on a separate deterministic and cycle free set of resources when back pressure is encountered. Can make illegal turn if a guaranteed sink for entire message exists on the other end of the link. This allows the message to get out of the way so that it does not create a dependence on the illegal turn Can make illegal turn if a guaranteed cycle free path exists back into a cycle free set of resources (e.g. T3E)

15 6/23/2016Slide 15 Other Dependences: Protocol Protocol: Message 1 is waiting for a message 2 to arrive before proceeding. Message 2 will not arrive because it is blocked behind message 1. For example, let’s say you are waiting at a service counter at the store for change, but they have run out of change. If the person who is delivering the new supply of change has to wait in line behind you, there will be no progress.

16 6/23/2016Slide 16 Other Consideration: Arbitration Dependence Arbitration: A bad implementation can create an illegal dependence between resources. We had a DAMQ implementation that allowed the red packet to start passing because the green was blocked. In the implementation, once one packet started, the other had to wait even if the packet in progress stopped flowing. The sending chip did not use all the credits it had been given due to a startup threshold. That is, the red tail would never come until more slots emptied, but that would not happen, because the tail would not come across the link Sending chip

17 6/23/2016Slide 17 Other Considerations Cyclic dependence can be the sum of many pieces of unrelated traffic that happen to share some of the same resources. Once you have the additional resources added to for breaking cycles, you can often balancing their use [5] to improve throughput. The average length of dependence chains can be increased by the choice of the cycle avoidance scheme. For example, direction-order is much more flexible than dimension-order routing, but there are added dependences between the + and – directions in each dimension. This can result in longer dependence chains that can impact the efficiency of the network.

18 6/23/2016Slide 18 003 332 130 200 013 331 131 210 023 330 132 220 002 322 120 201 012 321 121 211 022 320 122 221 001 312 110 202 011 311 111 212 021 310 112 222 Extra Long Dependence Chain Enabled by Direction-order Routing (e.g. +x < +y < -x < -y) 000 302 100 203 010 301 101 213 020 300 102 223

19 6/23/2016Slide 19 Important safety tips Cyclic dependence can be the sum of many pieces of unrelated traffic that happen to share some of the same resources One designer may only implement half of a cycle, another may implement the other half. This may not be found until the two connect their equipment together. Never assume the other guy is doing the right thing. Never assume the other guy even understands cyclic dependence. For some reason people really have problems with this concept in practice. Use formal methods of validation wherever possible

20 6/23/2016Slide 20 References [1] Dally, William J. and Seitz, Charles L., "Deadlock Free Message Routing in Multiprocessor Interconnection Networks," IEEE Trans. on Computers, C- 36(5):547-553, May, 1987. [2] Scott, Steven L. and Thorson, Gregory M. “The Cray T3E Network. Adaptive Routing in a High Performance 3D Torus”, Hot Interconnects IV, Stanford University, August 1996. [3] C.J. Glass and L.M. Ni, "The Turn Model for Adaptive Routing," Proc. 19th Int'l Symp. Computer Architecture, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 278-287, May 1992. [4] Duato, Jose, “A New Theory of Deadlock-Free Adaptive Routing in Wormhole Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, v.4 n.12, pp. 1320-1331, December 1993. [5] Scott, Steven L. and Thorson, Greg, “Optimized Routing in the Cray T3D Network”, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Parallel Computer Routing and Communication, 1994, pp. 281-294.

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