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Luke 4:13-30 Jesus Comes to Nazareth  At This Time, Herod has John Arrested.  (14-15) Jesus Is Being Well Received In Galilee.  (16-22) Jesus Goes.

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Presentation on theme: "Luke 4:13-30 Jesus Comes to Nazareth  At This Time, Herod has John Arrested.  (14-15) Jesus Is Being Well Received In Galilee.  (16-22) Jesus Goes."— Presentation transcript:


2 Luke 4:13-30 Jesus Comes to Nazareth

3  At This Time, Herod has John Arrested.  (14-15) Jesus Is Being Well Received In Galilee.  (16-22) Jesus Goes to the Synagogue in Nazareth.  All Goes Well at First.  (23-30) Jesus Preaches About Their Unbelief. The Synagogue

4 1.Jesus Had a Custom (16) Heb. 10:24-25 – “As Is the Habit of Some.” Heb. 10:24-25 – “As Is the Habit of Some.” Eph. 5:19 – “Speaking to One Another.” Eph. 5:19 – “Speaking to One Another.” 1 Thess. 5:17 – “Pray Without Ceasing.” 1 Thess. 5:17 – “Pray Without Ceasing.” Worship and Bible Study Should be Our Custom, But We Must Not Make Them Habitual. Worship and Bible Study Should be Our Custom, But We Must Not Make Them Habitual.

5 2.Familiarity and Tradition Is a Stumbling Block (22) “Is This Not Joseph’s Son?” “Is This Not Joseph’s Son?” He’s Just a Nazarene. He’s Just a Nazarene. This Sounds a Lot Like Tradition – People Reject the True Jesus Because They Have Known Their Traditional Jesus All Their Lives. This Sounds a Lot Like Tradition – People Reject the True Jesus Because They Have Known Their Traditional Jesus All Their Lives. Singing with Instruments, Church Basketball Leagues, Faith Only… Singing with Instruments, Church Basketball Leagues, Faith Only…

6 3.Jesus Spoke Words People Needed to Hear, Not Words They Wanted to Hear (25-26) Why Did Elijah Go Only to the Widow of Zarephath? Why Did Elijah Go Only to the Widow of Zarephath? Why Did Elisha Only Heal Naaman? Why Did Elisha Only Heal Naaman? The Israelites Did Not Believe – You Are Just Like Them. The Israelites Did Not Believe – You Are Just Like Them. Elijah and Elisha Were Shadows of Jesus. Elijah and Elisha Were Shadows of Jesus.

7 OR Just In the Jesus We Have Known All Our Lives?

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