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Rea and Warren Chapter 1/2 Social study's. Chapter 1 Economist study the choices people make about money Social scientist study the way people live in.

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Presentation on theme: "Rea and Warren Chapter 1/2 Social study's. Chapter 1 Economist study the choices people make about money Social scientist study the way people live in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rea and Warren Chapter 1/2 Social study's

2 Chapter 1 Economist study the choices people make about money Social scientist study the way people live in groups Geographers study the earth and were places are on a map Historians study the past Political scientists like to study who’s in charge Artifacts Economists: price tags, coupons, advertisements and recites. Geographers: whether records, maps, wild flowers, and bird’s nest. Historians: baby books, birth certificates, diary’s and old photos. Political scientists: story’s about governments, info on were to vote, books about laws. A governments main job is to make and carry out laws.

3 Chapter 2 One map the color blue represents water You can find out what the symbols on a map stand for by looking at a map key If you wanted to drive from Detroit to Chicago you would use a road map

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