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God as creator. Re-cap: Today’s lesson will be successful if: –You can re-tell the creation stories of the Judaeo-Christian God –You can evaluate these.

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Presentation on theme: "God as creator. Re-cap: Today’s lesson will be successful if: –You can re-tell the creation stories of the Judaeo-Christian God –You can evaluate these."— Presentation transcript:

1 God as creator

2 Re-cap: Today’s lesson will be successful if: –You can re-tell the creation stories of the Judaeo-Christian God –You can evaluate these creation stories and relate them to the

3 Re-cap: Using the mini-whiteboard, make a list of all the qualities of God that you looked at last lesson. There are points in it for the team with the best list!

4 Creatio ex nihilo There is an assumption that the Judao- Christian God created the world out of nothing. (Who is this similar to?) Let’s have a look at the creation stories as they are written in the Bible.

5 Describing the stories. In pairs, make a detailed analysis of the two stories. Genesis 1Genesis 2

6 What are the main differences between the two? In your groups consider what the main differences are between the two stories.

7 Does it really suggest that God created everything out of nothing? In the beginning, when God created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the power of God was moving over the water’. Genesis 1:1-2

8 Questions: On your white boards, make a list of questions that you would like to answer about the Creation stories: –E.g: why 7 days?

9 Creation myths. Why 7 days? Represents divine perfection What is a day? Original Hebrew can be translated as “time”, “year”, “the right time”, “appointed time” Day is first used before daylight is created. Genesis is example of Wisdom literature – as are the Psalms. As opposed to History such as Kings.

10 Structure of the two stories Genesis 1: Structured in creedal statements possibly for use at ceremonies Deals with creation. Genesis 2:4 – 3:21: Mythical and textually dense. Deals with fall of man. God does not will evil – it is a result of man.

11 Comparing with other creation stories There is an absolute distinction between God and Creation. To all eternity God will be distinct from creation. All creation is dependent on God. The notion of creation ex nihilo expresses itself in dependence on God from moment to moment. Other creation stories are often the result of battles. Genesis is very peaceful. Sun and moon are gods in other cultures, for Genesis they are placed by God. Suggestion that God gave structure to what was “formless”

12 Function of the Genesis Stories Function of Genesis 1 is maybe to separate it from other creation myths. –One God –Not an accident –The how was much less important than the why and the who. Use of the plural probably indicates an understanding of a God that is complex.

13 Create your own playdoh version Choose either Genesis 1 or Genesis 2 and make your own Playdoh version. Take photographs as you go along - upload them later into powerpoint and put them onto the blog.

14 Plenary PsalmPlenary Psalm 8 What does this account tell us about God and his relationship to man? Compare this idea to the idea of the Prime Mover of Aristotle.

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