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 Warm–Up Activity Natural Numbers:{1,2,3,4,5,6,…} Whole Numbers:{0,1,2,3,4,5,…} Integers: {…,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,…} Rational Numbers: {all real numbers.

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Presentation on theme: " Warm–Up Activity Natural Numbers:{1,2,3,4,5,6,…} Whole Numbers:{0,1,2,3,4,5,…} Integers: {…,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,…} Rational Numbers: {all real numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1  Warm–Up Activity Natural Numbers:{1,2,3,4,5,6,…} Whole Numbers:{0,1,2,3,4,5,…} Integers: {…,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,…} Rational Numbers: {all real numbers that can be written as fractions in the form p / q, where p and q are integers} Irrational numbers:{all real numbers that cannot be written as fractions in the form p / q, where p and q are integers}

2 Which of these is an irrational number? A0B√7C√9D 1 / 3 Which subset of the real numbers is shown? {0,1,2,3,4,5,6…} AintegersBwhole numbers Cnatural numbersD rational numbers

3 Which best describes the set of integers? Athe negative real numbers Bthe negative whole numbers Cthe whole numbers and their opposites D the positive real numbers and their opposites

4 Which best describes an irrational number? Aa number that cannot be written as a fraction Ba number that cannot be written as a decimal Ca number that cannot be written as a whole number Da number that cannot b e written as a positive number

5 Which subset of real numbers is shown below? {1,2,3,4,5,…} AintegersBnatural numbers Crational numbersD irrational numbers Lake George in upstate New York is approximately 2 ½ miles across. Part A which of these catagories does 2 ½ fall into; whole numbers, integers, and/or rational numbers?

6 Lake George in upstate New York is approximately 2 ½ miles across. Part A which of these categories does 2 ½ fall into; whole numbers, integers, and/or rational numbers? Part B Explain how you know if 2 ½ is a whole number, integer, and/or rational number?

7 The number ∏ describes the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter Part A Is ∏ a rational number or an irrational number? Part B Is 22 / 7 a rational number or an irrational number? Part C Explain your answer to Part B

8 Construct a Venn diagram to show the relationship among the sports that each of the following students plays. baseball only: 5 baseball and football: 10 football only: 14 football and basketball: 0 basketball only: 7 basketball and baseball:1 Baseball, football, and basketball: 2 Baseball Football Basketball 5 14 7 10 2 0 1

9 Label a circle to represent the students who play sports. Label another circle to represent the students who are in the band. The overlap of the two circles represents students who participate in both activities. Write the number 6 in the overlap region since there are 6 students who participate in both activities. Then subtract to find the number of students who only participate in one activity. only sports: 16 - 6 = 10 only band: 9 - 6 = 3 Write a 10 in the section that represents sports only and a 3 in the section that represents band only.

10 Sports 6 3 10 Band 16 - 6 9 - 6

11 In Missy's homeroom, there are 14 students who play the piano, 12 students who play the guitar, and 5 students who play both instruments. Display this data in a Venn diagram.

12 Kris and her friends play sports for their school. Kerry and Staci play softball, Traci plays volleyball, and Kris and Lydia play both softball and volleyball. Display this data in a Venn diagram.

13 Since there are two different sports being played, you need two circles to represent each sport. Since some girls play both sports, the circles should overlap. Write the names of the girls in the correct circle for the sport they play. The girls who play both sports should be written in the overlapping section.

14 Softball Kris Traci Kerry Volleyball Staci Lydia

15 Michelle surveyed the 7th graders at her school to determine how they get to school. Her results are shown below. walk only: 3 bus only: 12 car only: 6 walk or bus: 7 bus or car: 9 car or walk: 1 walk, bus, or car: 2 Display this data in a Venn diagram.

16 EXPLANATION: Draw three overlapping circles, and label them to represent the three different ways to get to school. Because some students get to school multiple ways, the circles need to overlap. Students who get to school only one way are listed in the circle with that label. Students who get to school in two different ways are listed in the overlapping section of those two ways. Students who get to school all ways are listed in the overlapping section of all three ways.

17 Walk Bus Car 3 12 6 7 2 9 1

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