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Analytical Thinking For Technology (WUCT140) Library Skills Class Kristy Newton, Wollongong College Australia Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Analytical Thinking For Technology (WUCT140) Library Skills Class Kristy Newton, Wollongong College Australia Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analytical Thinking For Technology (WUCT140) Library Skills Class Kristy Newton, Wollongong College Australia Librarian

2 Using the Library Your student card is your Library card Your student card is your printing card Your UOW username and password lets you access online resources

3 The Resources for Assignments page is full of information that will help you with your assignments


5 Create a search strategy Definitions and concise information Books and other Library resources Journal articles in databases Company information The information you find Today’s Class

6 Think about what your question is asking Identify the keywords in your question Think of alternative keywords -Synonyms -Related Words -Variations in spelling

7 Discuss the security implications of new web technologies for business. Sample Essay Question

8 Identifying Keywords Discuss the security implications of new web technologies for business. KeywordsAlternative keywords security (new) web technologies business

9 Identifying Keywords KeywordsAlternative keywords security secure privacy Protection safety (new) web technologies innovation change RSS feeds networks computer systems blogs Wikis internet business organisation commerce firm enterprise Discuss the security implications of new web technologies for business.

10 Write down your essay question Identify the keywords in your essay question Think of some alternative keywords and record these on your worksheet Activity

11 Subject dictionaries: definitions Subject encyclopedias: background information Dictionaries & Encyclopedias SEARCH @ LIBRARY Online: Via a Library database Print: Catalogue via ‘Search Guru’

12 Oxford Reference Online

13 Activity Use Oxford Reference Online to find a definition or background information on your main keywords. Email any definitions to yourself. Record any alternative keywords that you find on your worksheet

14 Use Search Guru to find print dictionaries or encyclopedias

15 Books for broad information on a topic Journal articles for recent information and research Websites for facts, figures and background information

16 Catalogue Databases You can use the Library Catalogue and Databases to find information

17 Activity Use Search Guru to find books on your topic Try refining your search by subject tags

18 Also known as magazines, serials or periodicals. Regularly published. Important source of new information on a topic. Journals

19 Popular Journals General public - audience No abstracts, references Lots of advertising and pictures Trade Journals Based on an industry or profession Some have authors and short abstracts If references then usually 3-4

20 Authors listed Abstract Reference List Specialised audience Technical language Little or no advertising or pictures Academic Journals

21 Remember to take note of: the journal title, volume, issue, year and page numbers Searching for journals SEARCH @ LIBRARY When you know a Journal title: Via the A-Z journal list When you only have your keywords: Via a Library database or Article Finder

22 Finding Journal Articles when you already have a citation: Wareham, J,. Zheng, J. G. and Straub, D., 2005, ‘Critical themes in electronic commerce research: a meta-analysis’, Journal of Information Technology, Vol. 20, Iss. 1, pp 1-19. How would I find this Journal article?


24 Connecting Words and Truncation I use these tricks to improve my search strategy!

25 security Connecting Words internet AND

26 Connecting words Discuss the security implications of new web technologies for business. KeywordsAlternative keywords security secure privacy protection (new) web technologies innovation change RSS feeds networks computer systems blogs wikis business organisation commerce firm enterprise AND

27 business organisation Connecting Words OR

28 Connecting words KeywordsAlternative keywords security secure privacy Protection (new) web technologies innovation change RSS feeds networks computer systems blogs wikis business organisation commerce firm enterprise OR AND Discuss the security implications of new web technologies for business.


30 innovate Innovated Innovates Innovating Innovation innovative innovate * innovate innovated innovates innovat * Using Truncation What word or words will I find?


32 Databases Journal articles Newspaper articles Much more Current information Specialisation Search capabilities Electronic access Why use databases?

33 There are over 300 databases at UOW Library! Where do I start?

34 This guide lists some great databases for WCA students


36 Activity Search Proquest Central for journal articles on your topic Email any relevant articles to yourself, or save them to your USB

37 Make sure you try more than one database!

38 Article Finder searches across multiple databases for you at the same time

39 Here’s a tip: If searching for a phrase, put your terms in quotation marks – e.g. “global financial crisis” Enter your Keywords and click “Go”


41 Filter by Topic Filter by Source Check for fulltext

42 Select ‘Advanced subject search’ to refine your search strategy

43 Try adding additional keywords to make your search more specific Tick the subject areas that you want to search

44 The results screen displays your advanced search strategy

45 Activity Try a search using Article Finder for information on your topic Click on the ‘Find@UOW’ link to access the fulltext

46 Article Finder Searches across multiple databases at the same time Keyword or advanced search options Clusters and sorts results Available through catalogue or WCA Library guide Tip! Start broad then refine!

47 Finding Company Information

48 Have you found information that is relevant to your essay topic? Have you found academic journal articles?

49 Check the UOW Library guide to understanding journal types Tip! The guide is located on the Resources for Assignments page


51 Look for the referee jersey to find refereed/peer reviewed journals!

52 Referencing and Citing Guide Available through the Library Homepage and WCA Library Guide

53 Need more help? Ask at the Research Help Desk Look at the Resources for Assignments - WCA Library Guide Email a Librarian

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