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7-2 Dividing Monomials Part 2 Power of a Quotient.

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Presentation on theme: "7-2 Dividing Monomials Part 2 Power of a Quotient."— Presentation transcript:

1 7-2 Dividing Monomials Part 2 Power of a Quotient

2 Dividing Monomials To divide two powers that have the same base, subtract the exponents (bigger minus smaller) Put the leftovers on the side (top or bottom) that is biggest y cannot equal zero

3 Power of a Fraction/Quotient When raising a fraction (or quotient) to a power, raise the numerator to the power and raise the denominator to the power. or

4 Simplify the following. E1 E2

5 Simplify the following. E3 E4

6 Simplify the following. E5

7 Zero Exponent Any non-zero number raised to the zero power is 1 If

8 Simplify. E6 E7

9 Pg 412 #11-14,19-20,22-25,27-30

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