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Neoliberal Ebola Agroeconomic determinism and epizootic stochasticity Robert G. Wallace 1 and Rodrick Wallace 2 1 Institute for Global Studies, University.

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Presentation on theme: "Neoliberal Ebola Agroeconomic determinism and epizootic stochasticity Robert G. Wallace 1 and Rodrick Wallace 2 1 Institute for Global Studies, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neoliberal Ebola Agroeconomic determinism and epizootic stochasticity Robert G. Wallace 1 and Rodrick Wallace 2 1 Institute for Global Studies, University of Minnesota 2 Division of Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute The Whole is the Truth Harvard School of Public Health 21 May 2015

2 Ad hominem incredulity

3 Circulating for a decade? Gire et al. 2014

4 No molecular monster Hoenen et al. 2015

5 Geographic phase change WHO 2014




9 Guinean Forest Region Bausch and Schwarz 2014

10 Bausch and Schawrz 2014 Dedevelopment at epicenter

11 Morris et al. 2009 Last farmland frontier

12 Land deals Landmatrix Observatory 2014

13 Guinean development

14 Palm oil

15 Multiple applications

16 17 million hectares

17 Lauderdale’s paradox IIASA and FAO 2002, FAO 2009

18 Long-term agroforestry



21 Oil palm across Guéckédou RG Wallace et al. 2014

22 Mosaic landscape RG Wallace et al. 2014

23 Bats like oil palm plantations Pigott et al. 2014

24 Bushmeat…

25 But also by cultivation: Nipah Luby et al. 2009

26 Saaz et al. 2015 Insectivore bat? Saaz et al. 2015

27 Every outbreak by capital- driven shifts in land use

28 Landscapes are globalized… Bergmann and Holmberg 2014

29 …by circuits of capital Bergmann and Holmberg 2014

30 Why emergency and structure can’t be separated Can’t separate emergency from the structural

31 Stochasticity is a force we form RG Wallace et al. 2014

32 Allee’s structural depression RG Wallace et al. 2014


34 Ebola in the hog sector R Wallace et al. submitted


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