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WALT: Create a title page with accompanying topic glossary. Know the approximate shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon.

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Presentation on theme: "WALT: Create a title page with accompanying topic glossary. Know the approximate shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon."— Presentation transcript:

1 WALT: Create a title page with accompanying topic glossary. Know the approximate shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon.

2 WALT: Create a title page with accompanying topic glossary. Know the approximate shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon. What do you know about the Earth, Sun and Moon?

3 We will be learning about the Earth, Sun and Moon. These are the things we will learn… Learn about the shape and relative sizes of the Earth, Sun and moon. Explore evidence for the Earth being approximately spherical. Learn about the relative movements of the Earth and Sun. Explore, through modeling, that the sun does not move; its apparent movement is caused by the Earth spinning on its axis. Know that the Earth spins on its axis once in every 24 hours. Research the lives and discoveries of scientists who explored the solar system and stars. Know that the Earth takes a year to orbit the sun, spinning as it goes.

4 Task 1: To create a title page for our new topic in science.

5 WALT: Create a title page with accompanying topic glossary. Task 2: To create a glossary of the key vocabulary being covered this term. Remember to use a dictionary and your science textbook.

6 WALT:Create a title page with accompanying topic glossary.

7 WALT: Know the approximate shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon. What shape are the Earth, the Sun and the Moon?

8 WALT: Know the approximate shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon.


10 WILF: Know that the Sun, Earth and Moon are approximately spherical in shape. Extension: Draw as accurately as possible the Earth, Sun and Moon and label. Complete these sentences....

11 WALT: Know the approximate shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon. WILF: Know that the Sun, Earth and Moon are approximately spherical in shape. Draw the Earth, the Sun and the Moon in your copy books...

12 WALT: Know the relative size of the Earth, Sun and Moon.

13 The moon is about ¼ the size of Earth and the Sun is about 110 times bigger than Earth....

14 WALT: Know the relative size of the Earth, Sun and Moon. Distance from the Earth to the Sun - 149,597,890 km Distance from Earth to the Moon - 384,467 km Diameter: Sun - 1,391,940 km Earth - 12,742 km Moon - 3,476 km

15 WALT: Know the relative size of the Earth, Sun and Moon. Task: Complete the following boxes… Diameter: Sun - ________ km Earth - _____ km Moon - _______ km

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