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University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Professionalism and Personal Skills Reflection Exercise.

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1 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Professionalism and Personal Skills Reflection Exercise

2 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection Reflection a process of considering what you have learned, how useful it is, and how it may affect your future personal and career development. Critical reflection helps you to give some coherence to your learning by relating it to what you already know, and to your plans for the future.

3 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection The nature of reflection is very varied. –Reflective thinking is more than using logic and reasoning to construct or justify an argument or assertion. –It is also about the assumptions underlying your beliefs and your actions. –Think about the justification for your way of approaching a problem in terms of the rationality of your actions, the practicality of your actions and the morality of your actions.

4 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection Reflection involves thinking about: –What happened? –What went right? –What went wrong?

5 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection Reflection works best when you think –Before –During –After

6 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection Reflective thinking is part of what it means to be a professional. Also showing a commitment to professional ethics.

7 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection Self-questioning to promote reflection –Before you begin a project ask yourself: –What you already know that is relevant? –What would you like to learn from the project? –What will you be able to do when the project is complete that you cannot do now? –how can you improve your professional performance?

8 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection Self-questioning to promote reflection –During your learning ask yourself: –What am I learning? –Who and what is proving helpful? –What connections can be made to other areas of study? –How and where might I use my new knowledge and competence?

9 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection After the learning episode or project ask yourself: –What can I do better now? –What surprised me? –Who and what helped? –What questions are yet to be answered? –What next?

10 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection Personal debriefing approach to reflection –After completing the learning take time to think and reflect. –This can involve reference to notes, discussion with others, dredging your memory in order to:

11 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection Describe the experience. Describe how the actual practice relates to the original aims. Describe events, actions and feelings. Positive and negative feelings should be described and owned. Journal or portfolio approach can be an aid to reflection

12 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection At level 1, you should aim for the following minimum standards of professionalism: –Your new knowledge and understanding should be related to your area of study. –You should be put into the context of your pre- existing knowledge and understanding. –The ideas of professionalism are understood and used. –You will be able to apply professional criteria to achieve a thorough self-assessment. –You should be able to describe your actions and provide reasons and arguments to justify them.

13 University of Sunderland Professionalism and Personal Skills Unit 11 Reflection Format for a reflective report: –Introduction: An explanation of the aims and objectives of the learning experience. –Part 1: A reasoned, ordered and critical account of your learning. Include key theoretical, conceptual and applied learning points. –Part 2: How the learning relates to your existing understanding, with a critical evaluation of the new learning. –Part 3: A demonstration of how the new knowledge has developed you as a person and your professional practice. –Appendices

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