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Inquiry Learning – So What? Chic Foote. Helix Consulting 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry Learning – So What? Chic Foote. Helix Consulting 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inquiry Learning – So What? Chic Foote. Helix Consulting 2013

2 Teachers Matter….they…..

3 What do we really mean by inquiry? How do we purposefully engage our learners through inquiry? How does this impact future learning?

4 Workshop Focus Strategies to develop: Depth of understanding, Enthusiasm Curiosity Skills, competencies and fluencies Thinking and reflection Risk Taking and Persistence Taking students confidently into the future as inquiring learners for life.

5 Inquiring to Learn – The Process What do we Know? What do we Want to know? How will we find out? What have we Learnt? How will we Apply this? (So what?) What new Questions do we have? K W H L A Q Barell, John. F. Developing More Curious Minds

6 Inquiring to Learn – The Process What do we Know? What do we Want to know? How will we find out? What have we Learnt? How will we Apply this? (So what?) What new Questions do we have? KWHLAQKWHLAQ Barell, John. F. Developing More Curious Minds

7 Knowledge is built from individual and collaborative endeavour Children are motivated to explore issues of importance to them Children can discover, understand and act for themselves Inquiry, Learning, drama, and curriculum integration. D Fraser, V Aitken, G Price, B Whyte. Set No3 2012

8 Seldom linear A student driven process where they are the researchers and creators Authentic problems for investigation and inquiry Less about reaching solutions and more about tolerating ambiguity, wrestling with ideas and deepening understanding Supported, guided and facilitated by the teacher Inquiry, Learning, drama, and curriculum integration. D Fraser, V Aitken, G Price, B Whyte. Set No3 2012

9 Inquiring to Learn – The Process What do we Know? What do we Want to know? How will we find out? What have we Learnt? How will we Apply this? (So what?) What new Questions do we have? KWHLAQKWHLAQ Barell, John. F. Developing More Curious Minds

10 From To Doing Inquiry Inquiring to Learn

11 Start with the End in Mind Enduring

12 Why Bother?

13 Developing.

14 Enthusiasm and Engagement



17 Investigate the world Perspective Communication Take action

18 Skills Communicate Collaborate Connect Create Think Critically Literacies Basic Information Media Global Network Digital Citizenship With thanks to Silvia Rosenthall Tolisano Fluencies Media Info Digital Citizenship Collaboration Solution Creativity Fluencies Media Info Digital Citizenship Collaboration Solution Creativity

19 EDSteps

20 Competencies, skills and fluencies Scaffolding thinking outside the box Creating and contributing to Globally Connected Learning Communities

21 Critical problem solving Collaboration Innovation Global work ethic

22 Building a learning community culture Collaborative – Peer inquiry and Interaction Creative Questioning & Investigative Problem based Quality Responses modeled and expected Reflective Experimental and experiential Complex intriguing situations

23 Inquiring to Learn What do we Know? What do we Want to know? How will we find out? What have we Learnt? How will we Apply this? (So what?) What new Questions do we have? KWHLAQKWHLAQ Barell, John. F. Developing More Curious Minds Gather Process Apply file://localhost/Users/Chic/Desktop/untitled folder 2/3 stoy intellect copy copy.jpg


25 Unpack Enduring Understanding Review Essential Questions Teacher Prompts Deeper Observation and Review Update Knowledge Review and revise initial focus Questions Plan to Connect to External Resources & Experts Question to Inform Review Outcomes Reflect on new learning Learners Establish: -Protocols & expectations -Digital learning Roles Learners Establish: -Protocols & expectations -Digital learning Roles Gather initial knowledge and ideas Small Group What does it tell us? What does this mean? How might this inform our learning process? What does it tell us? What does this mean? How might this inform our learning process? Local and Global Inquiry Opportunities Purposeful Learning Conversations Local and Global Inquiry Opportunities Purposeful Learning Conversations Generate Initial Questions Probe for further information


27 Feedback Expectations Strategies Models Practice

28 Given the right opportunity, tools and teacher guidance, students want an equal voice in directing their own learning. It is possible that the structure of school as we know it has underestimated students’ willingness to own more of their learning. (pg. 4) Who Owns the Learning? Preparing Students for Success in the Digital Age. Alan November. ( 2012) Solution Tree

29 If I am an inquiring learner…………… Who am I? What do I do? How do I behave?

30 Tutorial DesignerStudent Scribes Student Researchers Digital Learning Farms( Pg. 20). Who Owns the Learning? Preparing Students for Success in the Digital Age. Alan November. ( 2012) Solution Tree Global Communicators & Collaborators

31 Tools and Strategies

32  Continuity  Alignment  Relevance  Student voice  Academic Vocabulary  Focus of skill development  Purposeful regular review  Connectivity  Community  Authentic  Relevant  Deep Understandings

33 Problem Based Authenticity Relevance Timeliness Opportunity for student voice Prior learning Competencies & Fluencies Expected Outcomes Differentiation

34 An Evolving Process Folding Back. Non Linear

35 Problem Based Inquiry Teacher Led Teacher Student Shared Student Led Deliberate Modeling Establish the Environment Set the scene Seize the moment Establish a process and pattern Fold back as required

36 Extended Brainstorming Observe Think Question Questioning – Review & Revise Reflective Journals

37 GGoal R Role A Audience S Scenario/Setting P Product S Standard (Criteria)

38 Goal Stand up for what is right. Take action to make a difference to my own or others rights Role You are a rights advocate for….. Audience Define your audience according to your cause. Who needs to be made aware of this cause and your actions. Scenario You have identified an unjust and worrying infringement of rights and have ideas about how you might take responsibility to make a difference to change this situation. You feel strongly that other people need to be convinced to support your actions. Product Identify your strategies (actions), the tools you will use (including a range of social and visual media and personal action) and the most effective, relevant means of communicating your message and justify your choices and methods. Standard List strategies and tools. Select media, state how they will be used, reflect on the effectiveness of the media choices. Give two or more pieces of evidence to support my choice of cause. Identify two or more ways they made a difference. Seek feedback from others and plan for future action. Example

39 Unpacking the big ideas. What do we know? What are we curious about? Academic Vocabulary Establish the end in mind A NZ Example

40 H How are we going to find out?

41 Unpacking a Unit: Turangawaewae

42 Unpack Enduring Understanding/Problem My daughter has not lived in NZ for 10 years. She has a family and they have lived in two countries since leaving NZ. She comes home once a year for Christmas for 2 weeks or less. I am concerned that she will lose her Turangawaewae and her children will not have any sense of belonging to New Zealand. How can we help her and her family? What perspectives will we need to consider?



45 Review and revise Questions Consider Digital Learning Roles

46 Strategies……… Who Owns the Learning? Preparing Students for Success in the Digital Age. Alan November. ( 2012) Solution Tree


48 L What have we Learnt? Reviewing new learning What do we think now? What does this mean? How will this help us in the next steps to solving the problem? Do we need to fold back? New Questions? Revise thinking? Analyzing Synthesizing -Summarizing Reasoning

49 A Applying our Learning Modeling Creating Innovating Presenting Speculating Forecasting Review and Evaluate Critically Reflect

50 Impact for teaching and learning……….. Environment - Hands On, Digital, Technology rich, Language Rich, Connected, Collaborative, Interactive, Problem/Project Based, Digital Learning Farms Planning - Curriculum mapping process, conceptual, deep understandings, aligned, connected, updated, school wide, across the levels, rich vocabulary, knowledge and skills application, authentic assessment Practice - Teacher model, student generated, differentiated, reflective service learning, globally connected Cultural Capital – Student Voice - Inclusive, tailored, involves community, multi faceted, seeks contribution

51 Collaborates to align key knowledge, skills and understandings across the levels Flexible Models the behaviours of a learner Thinks aloud Reflective Curious and Questioning Probing and challenging Draws on the strengths and skills of the learner Scaffolds skill development in familiar contexts Provides models and examples Differentiates learning process across all learning Accesses and builds on prior knowledge Provokes and probes Communicates across and interacts with global networks Relates learning to global contexts Teacher Skills, Knowledge, Attitudes

52 Picture Sources Thinking Cap: Inspire: Links: Explore: Workshop Focus: Inquiring to Learn: Doing Inquiry: Inquiry to learn: End in Mind: Enduring: Developing: Curiosity: Skills: Competencies: Fluencies: Focus 2: Collaboration: Innovation: Global Work Ethic: Critical Problem Solving: Process 2: Expectations: Strategies: Models: Practice: Feedback: Scribe: Tutorial designer: Researchers: Global communication: Tools and strategies: Planning considerations: Problem based inquiry: Strategies2: Grasps: Turangawaewaae: How: Unpacking: The problem: Review and revise: Digital learning: Applying learning:

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