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Overview Roles and rules Social influences on beliefs Individuals in groups Us vs. Them: Group identity Group conflict and prejudice.

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11 Overview Roles and rules Social influences on beliefs Individuals in groups Us vs. Them: Group identity Group conflict and prejudice chapter 10

12 Your turn chapter 10

13 The Obedience Study Stanley Milgram and coworkers investigated whether people would follow orders, even when the order violated their ethical standards. Most people were far more obedient than anyone expected. Every single participant complied with at least some orders to shock another person. Two-thirds shocked the learner to the full extent. Results are controversial and have generated further research on violence and obedience. chapter 10

14 Factors leading to Disobedience chapter 10

15 The prison study Subjects were physically and mentally healthy young men who volunteered to participate for money. They were randomly assigned to be prisoners or guards. Those assigned the role of prisoner became distressed, helpless, and panicky. Those assigned the role of guards became either nice, “tough but fair,” or tyrannical. Study had to be ended after six days. chapter 10

16 Factors in Obedience chapter 10

17 Social Cognition An area in social psychology concerned with social influences on thought, memory, perception, and other cognitive processes. Researchers are interested in how people’s perceptions of themselves and others affect... Relationships Thoughts Beliefs Values chapter 10

18 Attributions chapter 10

19 Attributions chapter 10

20 Your turn Your roommate studies hard for the psychology test, but does not do very well. After receiving the results, she says “It really wasn’t a fair test.” What sort of bias is reflected in this attribution? 1. Fundamental attribution error 2. Self-serving bias 3. Just world hypothesis chapter 10

21 Your turn Your roommate studies hard for the psychology test, but does not do very well. After receiving the results, she says “It really wasn’t a fair test.” What sort of bias is reflected in this attribution? 1. Fundamental attribution error 2. Self-serving bias 3. Just world hypothesis chapter 10

22 Attitudes A relatively stable opinion containing beliefs and emotional feelings about a topic. Explicit: we are aware of them, they shape conscious decisions Implicit: we are unaware of them, they influence our behavior in ways we do not recognize chapter 10

23 Factors influencing attitude change chapter 10

24 Influencing attitudes chapter 10

25 Influencing attitudes chapter 10

26 Coercive Persuasion chapter 10

27 Conformity chapter 10

28 Group Think In close-knit groups, the tendency for all members to think alike and suppress disagreement for the sake of harmony. Symptoms Illusion of invincibility Self-censorship Pressure on dissenters to conform Illusion of unanimity Counteracted by Creating conditions that reward dissent Basing decision on majority rule chapter 10

29 Class Activity chapter 10

30 Chapter 10 Section 2 Key Terms Diffusion of Responsibility – In groups, the tendency of members to avoid taking action because they assume that others will. Deindividuation – In groups or crowds, the loss of awareness of one’s own individuality. Social Identity – The part of a person’s self-concept that is based on his or her identification with a nation, religious, political group or other social affiliation. chapter 10

31 Chapter 10 Section 2 Key Terms Ethnic Identity – A person’s identification with a religious or ethnic group. Acculturation – The process by which members or minority groups come to identify with and feel part of the mainstream culture. Ethnocentrism – The belief that one’s own ethnic group, nation or religion is superior to all others. chapter 10

32 Chapter 10 Section 2 Key Terms Stereotype – A summary impression of a group, in which a person believes that all members of the group share a common trait or traits (positive, negative or neutral). chapter 10

33 Stereotypes Break off into groups and come up with as many stereotypes as you can in a half hour. We will go over them in class. chapter 10

34 The Anonymous Crowd Diffusion of responsibility The tendency of group members to avoid taking responsibility for actions or decisions because they assume others will do so. Bystander apathy People fail to call for help when others are near. Social loafing When people work less in the presence of others, forcing others to work harder chapter 10

35 Deindividuation In groups or crowds, the loss of awareness of one’s own individuality. Factors Size of city, group Uniforms or masks Can influence either unlawful or prosocial behaviors Depends on norms of specific situation chapter 10

36 Disobedience and Dissent Situational factors in nonconformity You perceive the need for intervention or help. Situation makes it more likely you will take responsibility. Cost-benefit ration supports decision to get involved. You have an ally. You become entrapped. chapter 10

37 Ethnocentrism The belief that one’s own ethnic group, nation, or religion is superior to all others. Aids survival by making people feel attached to their own group and willing to work on group’s behalf. chapter 10

38 Ethnocentrism The belief that one’s own ethnic group, nation, or religion is superior to all others. Aids survival by making people feel attached to their own group and willing to work on group’s behalf. chapter 10

39 Group Identity Us vs. them social identities strengthened when groups compete. Robber’s cave studies chapter 10

40 Robber’s cave Boys randomly separated into two groups Rattlers and Eagles Competitions fostered hostility between groups. Experimenters contrived situations requiring cooperation for success. Result: cross-group friendships increased. chapter 10

41 Robber’s cave Boys randomly separated into two groups Rattlers and Eagles Competitions fostered hostility between groups. Experimenters contrived situations requiring cooperation for success. Result: cross-group friendships increased. chapter 10

42 Stereotypes Distort reality Exaggerate differences between groups Produce selective perception Underestimate differences within groups chapter 10

43 Origins of Prejudice Psychological functions People inflate own self-worth by disliking groups they see as inferior Social and cultural functions By disliking others we feel closer to others who are like us. Economic functions Legitimizes unequal economic treatment chapter 10

44 Measuring Prejudice chapter 10

45 Measures of Explicit Prejudice chapter 10

46 Measures of Explicit Prejudice chapter 10

47 Reducing Prejudice chapter 10

48 Reducing Prejudice chapter 10

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