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Year 4 dance Spring 1 Characters- Charlie and the Chocolate factory ABOUT THE UNIT In this unit children focus on creating characters and narrative through.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 4 dance Spring 1 Characters- Charlie and the Chocolate factory ABOUT THE UNIT In this unit children focus on creating characters and narrative through."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 4 dance Spring 1 Characters- Charlie and the Chocolate factory ABOUT THE UNIT In this unit children focus on creating characters and narrative through movement and gesture. They gain inspiration from literacy characters. They work with a partner and in small groups. In dance as a whole, children think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. As they work they develop an awareness of the historical and cultural origins of different dances.

2 Willy Wonka- Lesson 1 Personality Know-it all strange Passionate funky Silly crazy Weird angry Inventive amusing Bonkers WALT: perform and create a solo with appropriate expression LESSON OUTCOMES- Perform a solo with appropriate expression and create a solo using ideas explored. WILF: is for you to - think of words to describe personality - match movements to words - create a short simple sequence of movements - think about how they could improve their work

3 Charlie- lesson 2 WALT: perform and create a solo with appropriate expression and contrasting dynamics. LESSON OUTCOMES- Perform and create a solo with contrasting dynamics. WILF: is for you to; - think of words to describe personality. - match movements to words. - build on your simple sequence of movements. - think about how you could improve your work. Personality Clever gentle brave Generous happy calm Curious jolly courageous Poor sad kind trust-worthy genuine honest Shocked joyful excited

4 Mirrored movement- lesson 3 WALT: create and perform a duet with complementary movement LESSON OUTCOMES- Perform a duet matching and mirroring movements.. WILF: is for you to; Bronze- re-cap on previous learning Silver- think of ways to improve yours and others learning Gold- use the comments to improve your movements

5 Travelling and linking actions- lesson 4 How can they transition and move from each movement? WALT: link movements LESSON OUTCOMES- Perform a dance with linked movements. WILF: is for you to; Bronze- experiment with different ways of moving. Silver- link 2 movements saying in time with the beat. Gold- link 3 movements using the beat to speed up/slow down your movements

6 Performing and evaluating-lesson 5 WALT: Perform and evaluate our dances LESSON OUTCOMES- Perform a sequenced dance with a partner. WILF: is for you to; Bronze- think of ways that you could improve your movements. Silver- think of ways that you and others could improve their dance sequences. Gold- think of critical advice for yourselves and others and justify your reasons. What I did well….. Next time I would…….

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