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1 Psychology 307: Cultural Psychology April 8 Lecture 23.

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1 1 Psychology 307: Cultural Psychology April 8 Lecture 23

2 Exam 3: April 30, 2014 7:00-9:30, WOOD 2 The exam will be scored out of 50 points: 23 multiple choice questions (1 point each), 5 extended response questions (3-8 points each, estimated; totaling 27). The exam is worth one-third of your final grade if you did not write the optional paper and one-quarter of your final grade if you did write the optional paper. 2

3 Please arrive on time to facilitate rapid distribution of the exams. Bring a pencil, eraser, pen, and student ID to the exam. All electronic devices must be stored prior to the exam. Bags and backpacks should be left at the front of the room. Valuables may be placed under your seat. Turn in extra copies of the exam at the start of the examination period; university policy requires that all exams be accounted for before students are permitted to leave the examination room. 3

4 The exam will cover: 4 Reminder: In the case of a discrepancy between the material presented in the textbook and the material presented in class, please rely upon the material presented in class for the purpose of exam preparation. Chapters 8, 10, 12, and 13. All material discussed in class since March 18.

5 1. I will hold additional office hours and a “Q&A” review session in preparation for the exam: Friday, April 11: 11:30-2:30 (Kenny 3102) Friday, April 25: 11:30-2:30 (Kenny 3102) Tuesday, April 29: 10:00-12:00 (Kenny 3102) Tuesday, April 29: 12:00-1:00 (Kenny 2101, “Q&A” review session) 5 Announcements

6 6 2. The peer mentors (Crystal, Jonathan) will hold a final exam preparation session: When? Friday, April 25, 4:00-6:00 Where? Kenny 2510 Questions for and appointments with the peer mentors may be booked via e-mail: Crystal Byun: Jonathan Chan:

7 7 3. The peer mentors have created a survey to obtain your feedback on the peer mentor program. This feedback will be used to enhance the peer mentor program next year. If you have attended one or more peer mentor tutorials, please complete the survey before May 1 at: awCuYkaV

8 8 Please complete your evaluation for this course. Your evaluation will be anonymous and secure. 8 To date, 20% of students have completed the evaluation. (Goal: 60% completion rate!) Reminder

9 A little R&R …. (Review and Reflect) 9

10 10 Acculturation 1. What types of acculturating groups exist within pluralistic societies? 2. What is the typical process of adjustment during acculturation? 3. What are acculturation strategies? 4. What are the psychological correlates of distinct acculturation strategies?

11 11 By the end of today’s class, you should be able to: 1. identify distinct acculturative groups. 2. describe the U, W, and L curves of acculturation. 3. define the terms cultural distance and cultural fit. 4. distinguish between the one- and two-dimensional models of acculturation. 5. describe distinct acculturation strategies and their relations to psychological adjustment.

12 12 What types of acculturating groups exist within pluralistic societies? ● Pluralistic societies are characterized by the dominant cultural group and many other groups that undergo acculturation. ● The diverse experiences of these groups have made it difficult for psychologists to extract a set of generalizable findings from studies of acculturation.

13 13 Types of Acculturating Groups Voluntary Culture Contact Involuntary Culture Contact Non-Migratory Members of long- established cultural groups Indigenous peoples Migratory Permanent Residence Temporary Residence Immigrants Sojourners Refugees Asylum seekers

14 14 What is the typical process of adjustment during acculturation? ● Research suggests that the typical process of adjustment during acculturation follows a U-shaped curve:

15 15 The U Curve: Acculturation

16 The W Curve: Acculturation and Repatriation 16

17 17 ● Among the factors that influence the process of adjustment are: The homogeneity of the host culture. Cultural distance (i.e., the degree to which the heritage culture and host culture are dissimilar or different). Cultural fit (i.e., the degree to which one’s personality is similar to the dominant values of the host culture). Acculturation strategies.

18 18 ● Early theories adopted a one-dimension or “mutual exclusion” model of acculturation: What are acculturation strategies? ● Acculturation strategies are strategies that people use to reconcile conflicts between the norms and values of: (a) their culture of origin and (b) the dominant culture.

19 19 Adopt normsRetain normsand values of dominant cultureculture of origin ASSIMILATIONSEPARATIONReject norms and values of and values of culture of origindominant culture One-Dimensional Model of Acculturation

20 20 ● This model identifies two acculturation strategies: Assimilation and separation. ● In contrast, contemporary theories adopt a two-dimension model of acculturation:

21 21 Two-Dimensional Model of Acculturation Adopt norms and values of dominant culture Retain normsReject normsand values ofculture of origin Reject norms and values of dominant culture INTEGRATION MARGINALIZATIONSEPARATION ASSIMILATION

22 22 ● The most influential two-dimensional model (Berry, 1997) uses questions to describe the two dimensions: “Is it of value to maintain cultural identity and characteristics?” “Is it of value to maintain relationships with the larger society?” ● This model identifies two additional acculturation strategies: Integration and marginalization.

23 23 ● Some theorists (e.g., Coleman, 1995) maintain that the two-dimensional model fails to distinguish between two modes of integration: Alternation (reflects “cultural frame- switching”) and fusion (reflects “blending”). ● Research by Campbell et al. (2003) supports the distinction between alternation and fusion, suggesting five acculturation strategies—assimilation, separation, alternation, fusion, and marginalization.

24 24 ● To date, the bulk of research on acculturation strategies has focused on the 4 strategies identified by the two- dimensional model. What are the psychological correlates of distinct acculturation strategies? ● In general, this research suggests that integration is the most adaptive acculturation strategy.

25 25 ● One study has examined the 5 acculturation strategies identified by Campbell et al. (2003):  Recruited South Asian Canadian participants.  Measured the following constructs: 1. Acculturation strategies. 2.Psychological adjustment (e.g., depression, anxiety, life satisfaction).

26 26 3. Self-concept organization: (a) Self-concept clarity (SCC): The extent to which self- beliefs are clearly and confidently defined, internally consistent, and temporally stable. (b) Self-concept differentiation (SCD): The degree to which people see themselves as having different personality characteristics in different social roles.

27 27  Found that: (a) Alternation and fusion are used most frequently. (b) Alternation is associated with relatively low levels of psychological adjustment; fusion is associated with relatively high levels of psychological adjustment.

28 28 (d) Self-concept organization mediates the relationship between acculturation strategies and psychological adjustment. (c) Alternation is associated with relatively low levels of SCC and high levels of SCD; fusion is associated with relatively high levels of SCC and low levels of SCD.

29 29 By the end of today’s class, you should be able to: 1. identify distinct acculturative groups. 2. describe the U, W, and L curves of acculturation. 3. define the terms cultural distance and cultural fit. 4. distinguish between the one- and two-dimensional models of acculturation. 5. describe distinct acculturation strategies and their relations to psychological adjustment.

30 Psychology 307: Cultural Psychology Definitions Research methods Cultural transmission Cultural evolution Values Self-concept and motivation Personality Groups, relationships, attraction, and love Emotions Morality Perception and cognition Mental health Acculturation 30

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