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Zero Carbon Britain: Rethinking the Future, Conference 11th -13th October 2013 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Adult Education by Krzysztof Jan.

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Presentation on theme: "Zero Carbon Britain: Rethinking the Future, Conference 11th -13th October 2013 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Adult Education by Krzysztof Jan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zero Carbon Britain: Rethinking the Future, Conference 11th -13th October 2013 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Adult Education by Krzysztof Jan Bahrynowski B.Sc.,M.Sc..

2 83 Thurleigh Road SW12 8TY London, United Kingdom Joanna Pinewood Education Tuition Centre

3 Grundtvig Partnership: 2011-2013 Let's Do It Creatively and Environmentally with Renewable Energy. (CERE)

4 Ø Italy Euro Gestione Impresa, Calabria Ø Romania Record Radio TV City S.R.L. Ploiesti, Ø Spain Centro de Educación de Personas Adultos, Cáceres. Ø United Kingdom Joanna pinewood education limited London Project Coordinator These lifelong learning partners wished to share innovative and creative educational good practices in the field of renewable energy using the Grundtvig principle is that "Learning is for Living".. CERE

5 A compilation of good practices developed for renewable energy and energy efficiency education

6 Grundtvig Partnership: 2012-2014 Joyful Adult Training Using Augmented Reality (JoyAR).

7 Grundtvig Partnership: 2013-2015 Adult-Literacy from Creating Joyful Learning Experience into Active Citizenship.

8 Grundtvig projects: et-s-do-it-creatively-and- environmentally-with-renewable- energy


10 United Nations Climate Change Conference Warsaw November 2013 UN COP19/CMP9

11 LINKS 2009-2011 FREE E - BOOK Fabri, F., & Harrington, K. (Eds.). (2011). Learning through Networks: Reflections on Creating Joyful Learning Experiences. Dublin: County Dublin Vocational Education Committee. ISBN 978- 99957-0-058-4.

12 Looking for new partners for next Lifelong Learning Application

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