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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Fragen die oft gestellt werden ….. Refugee Coaching (RC) 1RC Next steps Next steps...

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1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Fragen die oft gestellt werden ….. Refugee Coaching (RC) 1RC Next steps Next steps...

2 FAQ - Working RC2 I'm younger than 27 where can I go for an education coaching session ? Office recommended : Jugend Migrationsdienst in GL (Mr.Dobras) Service and coaching for young refugees until 27 years They discuss plans and goals and coach about 1 year long - consultation 2 times / week This might be a good way for young refugees who don't know exactly what type of education they should go for. Remember : to be successful in Germany one need a GOOD education ! What can I do after 4 months in Germany without BAMF ? Asylum seekers have access to the working market after 4 months tolerated in Germany (BÜMA sufficient) Job Center recommends to be registered there as an ''applicant for work without any wages / benefits'' Job Center also offers with their IP (Integration Point) consulting sessions what to do and what type of benefits can be given Recommendation : make a visit together with your coach / mentor / Pate

3 FAQ - Working RC3 Are my studies / work from my home country recognised in Germany - what should I do ? Clarification : When you guys talk about studying / studies - this could mean in Germany : general professional education (berufliche Ausbildung) Germany has a very well established professional education - a mix of practical and theoretical studies (duale Ausbildung) 'Just working' is not sufficient to be sustainable successful in Germany – this country need and want an educated workforce.. lowest level jobs/unskilled labor need already technical skills ! For employers education / study are MORE important than German language capability and certification ! (no legal obligation for employers to require certain language certification) From 18 years : Job Center offers (Einstiegsqualifizierung) preparation courses with professional school (Berufsschule). This could help before deciding about the education program - normally 3.5 years. All these programs can be explained by the Job Center in detail including the benefits which can be granted. They provide individual and tailored support ! Helpful website here is :

4 FAQ - Working RC4 When should I go the Job Center ? From the 4th months in Germany it is recommended to go to the Job Center and register as an ‘unemployed applicant without benefits'. This means you are in the data base and will be contacted for more information. Their offers are individual and tailored. In addition they have installed an IP – integration point (cooperation between Ausländerbehörde + Job Center + Agentur für Arbeit) When should I open a bank account ? You should open a bank account as early as possible, even before the final approval for the asylum. Please note that you need it anyway for potential benefits after a successful BAMF process.

5 FAQ – Integration Course RC5 When can I attend an integration course ? In order to sign up for an integration course you should have the positive BAMF interview (recognized and accepted asylum). If this has not happened yet - you can get a preliminary document from BAMF after you have applied which you should present to the integrations schools ( reason is that the schools for these courses get their expenses from the BAMF...... Recommendation : Book fulltime course - total cost about ̴1600€ is reimbursed by BAMF Current GL courses are NOT fully occupied !

6 FAQ – University RC6 Uncertified documents or uncomplete / no documents for univeristy - what to do ? we have to differentiate between 2 different cases no documents at all un complete documents on paper, smart phones etc In both cases the TH (technical university) in Cologne is checking internally case by case. Right now the TH Cologne is NOT using the Uni-Assist application system for refugees. They decided that they will work with a internal selection process ! Not clear yet what they will do for 2017 summer and winter semester. The TH website should have a special format for their application.....(please check) Can I study in university in English language ? Germany has 2 stages for their university studies Bachelor degree after 3 years - only in German language ( some courses could be in English language - but rare !) After the Bachelor degree - you can add a Master study (2 years) here more or all courses could be in English language. Note : IJAZA - your Syrian degree - is considered as a Bachelor degree and you COULD study then for the Master degree. Also this needs to be checked by the university. Please note that the GERMAN language capability is still a MUST

7 FAQ - University RC7 Can I get a financial support during studies ? We have in Germany a system called BAFÖG - which is a monthly payment from the government also for refugees, but it needs to be requested. Note : the JOB Center or university know where to apply..... there is also a website to apply AFTER you have all documents to start your studies. How is RELIGION as a special course in the Syrian ABITUR judged for the application ? No issue at the TH Cologne. In principle they take the better average score..... but if you have over 70% without religion then no issue at all..... School of Trade and Industry in Syria - what is similar in Germany ? According to the TH Cologne - we have the Economical - Engineering study. Please check out under : Production and Logistics or Wirtschaftsingenieur. You will find all the different disciplines on their website and we can go through to explain the content.....

8 FAQ - University RC8 German language at the university - what is available ? The TH Cologne has an office for DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang) Preparation. They are working on a course right now for the winter semester from A2 upwards ! Idea is to offer a special support course for refugees. Contact and office in the TH Cologne : Frau Göral IWZ Deutz, Raum ZN 3-9 0221-8275-2915 www/ Let's check this what they offer for the winter semester......

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