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April 6, 2016 - Budget Committee Meeting 2016-17 Budget Overview and Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "April 6, 2016 - Budget Committee Meeting 2016-17 Budget Overview and Discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 6, 2016 - Budget Committee Meeting 2016-17 Budget Overview and Discussion

2  ODE – Oregon Department of Education  SSF – State School Fund  ADM – Average Daily Membership  ADMw – Average Daily Membership Weighted Acronyms

3  Budget Committee  Reviews, modifies, and finally approves the proposed budget.  Establishes the maximum property tax levy rate or dollar amount.  District  Files Approved Budget with TSCC by May 15  Board  Adopts Budget and Enacts Resolutions by June 30  Limited to changes, within a fund, of not more than $5000 or 10%, with exceptions.  District  Files Adopted Budget and Response to Certification Letter within 15 days after budget adoption  Levy Certification filed with County Assessor’s Office by July 15  Budget Document filed with County Clerk by September 30 Budget Process Overview

4  Meet publically to review the proposed budget document.  Provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions and comment on the budget.  Approve the budget with all funds in balance.  Approve the maximum rate or dollar amount of property taxes. Budget Committee: Official Duties

5 We currently have 9 Active and Independent Funds  General Fund  Food Service  Federal Funds  Capital Projects  Debt Service  Early Retirement  Student Body  Bus Replacement  Energy Projects Fund Structure

6 FunctionsObjects  Functions define the WHO  For each transaction we need to know for whom the amount is being recorded.  1000 Instruction  1111 K-2 Classroom  2000 Support Services  2410 Office of the Principal  Objects define the WHAT  For each transaction we need to know what the transaction records.  0100 Salaries  0111 Certified Salaries  0200 Associated PY Costs  0220 FICA/Medicare  0400 Supplies/Materials  0410 Consumable Supplies Functions and Objects

7 A Balanced Budget Beginning Fund Balance + Revenue + Transfers In - Transfers Out - Expenditures - Contingency = Ending Fund Balance Resources Requirements

8 Beginning Fund Balance  The budgeted Beginning Fund Balance is an estimate of how much each fund will have remaining once the prior year has come to a close.  Once the prior year has been audited, the financials are updated with the actual amount.

9 Revenue  Revenue is categorized into the following:  Local Sources  Taxes  Tuition  Intermediate Sources  County School Funds  Medicaid Administrative Claiming  State Sources  State School Fund  Some Grants  Federal Sources  IDEA Funds  Title Funds  Most revenue estimates are captured from data provided by the source agency. Some estimates are based on prior year data and program usage.

10 Transfers  Transfers are how we move money between funds. Often this means a transfer from the General Fund to another, dependent fund, such as Early Retirement, or the Bus Replacement Fund.  The Transfers In and Transfers Out for the District budget should always match.

11 Expenditures  All the spending for the district. Includes personnel, debt service payments, supplies, insurance, equipment, and many, many other things.

12 Contingency  Contingency is how we allow ourselves to increase our expenditure budget, in the event that we have unfunded, yet necessary changes.  Contingency is never spent. Instead, the Board could approve an increase in the expense budget and a decrease in contingency as needed.

13 Ending Fund Balance  The Ending Fund Balance is the amount left over for use in the following fiscal year.  An Ending Fund Balance of 3-5% of the total requirements is advisable. This percentage can be more depending on unknown economic conditions during budget preparation.

14 ODE Formula Revenue  Local Sources  Property Taxes  Common School Fund  County School Fund  State School Fund  Includes Transportation Grant Other Revenue  Tuition  Donations  ESD Transits  Federal Revenue  High-Cost Disability  Other Grants Where does our funding come from?

15  April 4, 2016  $191,646 2014-15 SSF Adjustment 2014-15 Revenue Adjustments Expect to receive this adjustment in May 2016

16 2016-17 ODE ADMw Estimate

17 2015-16 CSD ADMw Estimate 1,266.00 12.00 0.00 138.00 0.00 36.00 2.00 0.00 _________ 1454.00 CSD Estimate

18  Estimate Date: March 7, 2016  Based on $7.376 Billion Co-Chair's Budget with 49.2/50.8 split 2016-17 ODE SSF Estimate

19  Estimate Date: March 7, 2016  Based on $7.235 Billion Co-Chair's Budget with 50/50 split  Using the Funding Formula, an estimated $213k in Transportation Grant, and our internal estimate of ADMw we should prepare for the following:  Total Formula Revenue: $10,282,489  Per ADMw Funding: $7,071 2016-17 CSD SSF Estimate 1454

20 Fiscal YearADMwRevenue (District Only)Per ADMw 2016-171454.00$ 10,282,489$ 7,071 2015-161386.119,589,2706,918 2014-151425.78*9,888,1696,935 2013-141019.06*6,950,7606,821 2012-13..960.04*6,009,2336,259 Historic Total Formula Revenue *Includes Small High School Funding

21 Resources  TSCC Website Publications (Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission)   Oregon Department of Education : District SSF   Program Accounting and Budgeting Manual (PBAM)  pbam.pdf pbam.pdf

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