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 VERSE/LINES  STANZA  Principal Definition: Two words have the same sound on their last accented vowel, preceded by different consonants Ex. Same,

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Presentation on theme: " VERSE/LINES  STANZA  Principal Definition: Two words have the same sound on their last accented vowel, preceded by different consonants Ex. Same,"— Presentation transcript:



3  Principal Definition: Two words have the same sound on their last accented vowel, preceded by different consonants Ex. Same, Dame  Single Rhyme: love, dove  Double Rhyme: napping, tapping  Triple Rhyme: mournfully, scornfully  Imperfect Rhyme:2 words look alike, but don’t sound alike: Love, Jove  Internal Rhyme: occurs inside a line. Ex. “Let’s beat the heat”

4  METRIC PATTERN: a series of accented & unaccented syllables organized in units of 2 = foot Syllable Patterns in a foot:  Iambic: de DUM  Trochaic: DUM de  Anapestic: de de DUM  Dactylic: DUMM de de NOTE: A PAUSE CAN FUNCTION AS AN UNACCENTED SYLLABLE = CAESURA

5 Number of Feet in a Line Monometer: 1foot per line Dimeter: 2 feet per line Trimeter: 3 feet per line Tetrameter: 4 feet per line Pentameter: 5 feet per line Hexameter: 6 feet per line Heptameter: 7 feet per line Octameter: 8 feet per line Nonameter: 9 feet per line

6  Iambic Pentameter ◦ Iamb =unstressed syllable + stressed syllable ◦ Examples: Today, Away, Okay ◦ 5 iambs =iambic pentameter Example: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?  Blank Verse: Unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter  Free Verse: Unrhymed lines and no rhythm  Continuous Form: not divided into stanzas, regular rhythm, maybe rhyme pattern


8  History: 1,000 yrs. ago English folk ballads passed down via singing  Conventions ◦ Four Line Stanzas ◦ 2 nd & 4 th lines rhyme ◦ Repetition ◦ Colloquial phrases or terms ◦ Irony & Double meanings ◦ Written as a conversation, narration, or both  Question & Answer format ◦ Tells a story, normally a/b significant person or event

9  Verbal Irony: Use words that contradict real meaning ◦ A. Sarcasm-opposition Ex. I am really looking forward to my dentist appointment. ◦ B. Overstatement-exaggeration. Ex. I just died from embarrassment! ◦ C. Understatement-belittling truth. Ex. He’s a little tired. (he’s in a coma.)  Situational Irony: Discrepancy between what is and what is expected Ex. The fire house burned down.  Dramatic Irony: Discrepancy between what the audience knows and what speaker knows Ex. “I can’t wait to reach the shore!” (Audience knows there’s an ambush.)

10 14 lines First Three Stanzas=Quatrains (4 lines=12 lines total) Fourth Stanza=Couplet (2) Rhyme Scheme:  ABAB,  CDCD,  EFEF,  GG Theme=love, exquisite wording & imagery, showy Iambic Pentameter Example—R&J Prologue

11 14 lines First Stanza=Octave (8)  Re: a theme Second Stanza=Sestet (6)  Re: developing theme Rhyme Scheme:  ABBA,  CDC, (CDE)*varies  CDC, (CCE) Formal/Rigid Version-love sick male & religious associations Scansion Varies

12 Haiku: No rhyming & paints mental picture An old silent pond... (5) syllables A frog jumps into the pond, (7) syllables splash! Silence again. (5) syllables by Basho, Japanese contemplative (1644-1694)



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