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Course Instructor: Md Asif Rahman (ASR) Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNS) University Building 2 (15 th Floor)

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Presentation on theme: "Course Instructor: Md Asif Rahman (ASR) Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNS) University Building 2 (15 th Floor)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Instructor: Md Asif Rahman (ASR) Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MNS) University Building 2 (15 th Floor) E-mail:

2 Tertiary economic activities are those economic activities by which Homo sapiens conduct economic activities to produce tertiary services. It is the biggest sector in a given economy.

3 Characteristics Tertiary activities are the service sector of the economy It is the exchange element of PCE mechanism These activities are mainly urban based Normally located in towns, cities, ports etc Tertiary economic activities provides value added services In developed countries this is the large sector contributing to GDP


5 Administrative services This sector includes both private and public sector activities. Judicial services are also included in administrative services. Administrative and Judicial services are two main parts in administrative service in a given region or country. Health services Curative services (help to get cured when people suffer any kind of diseases) Preventive services (these services prevent people from becoming ill: vaccination program)

6 Utility services Utility services mainly found in urban areas. Electricity, gas, water and sewerage etc. are mainly known as utility services. Government or private sector may provide these services. Wholesaling and retailing These types of services mainly related with different types of products. All these different products meet the demand of the consumers Banking and financial services All types of transaction run through this sector. Huge numbers of people are engaged on this sector.

7 Educational services This sector provides different educational facilities and help people to join different activities according to their ability and choice. Communication and information services Now a days this service is a very essential service. People can contact with other and collect necessary information easily and quickly by this service. Recreation services Government and various private organizations provide these services to the people. They developed parks, playground, clubs and different tourist spots to provide the services.

8 The North and South divide

9 Ours is a divided world not only politically but also economically. The criteria on which we divide the world economically is not absolute. We consider some common criteria for dividing the world into economic divisions such as Per Capita Income Occupational structure Density of population Population growth rate Availability of transport Literacy rate Etc.

10 Among these per capita income is one of the prominent criteria. Per capita income means annual income of each people of a country. Per capita income=Total national income/population Classification: Least developed countries (LDC’s) More developed countries (MDC’s) LDC’s and MDC’s are basically used to describe the rich and poor nation of the world.

11 More-effective classification: Geography of the developed world verses under developed world has North and South orientation. This distribution is depicted in an updated version of the renowned ‘Brandt map’. These are: The North The South

12 The Northern countries: All the countries of North America, all countries in Europe except Turkey; Japan, Singapore and South Korea in Asia, Australia and New Zealand are known as the Northern countries. The Southern countries: Latin and South American countries, all African countries, all Asian countries (except Japan, South Korea and Singapore) are included as Southern countries.


14 Main feature of the North: High per capita income. High per capita gross national products. Vary larger share in the world trade. Dominance of commercial and industrial production. High urbanization rate The region contains only one-sixth of the world population. Most of these countries have a very small population compare to the land area. High percentage of population engaged in manufacturing and tertiary activities. Agriculture practice less than 20%.

15 Main feature of the South: Very low per capita Gross National Product. Very low rate of economic growth. Dominance of primary economic activity. Very small share in the world trade. Dominance of rural population. High rate of population growth. 3 % per annum. Rapid population increase. 40% population in developing countries under the age of 15 (depending population). Food problem. Very low standard of living.

16 Main feature of the South: Large scale unemployment Migration from rural to urban area causing overcrowd in urban areas. Low productivity in agriculture. Population distribution is also uneven. Big cities are very few in number. Unbalanced owner of land. Squatter settlement. 80-85% of the total world population now lives in south region. High illiteracy rate Poor physical infrastructure Transportation and communication are poorly developed.

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