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Active Learning for an On-line Composition Classroom: Blogging as an Enhancement of On-line Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Active Learning for an On-line Composition Classroom: Blogging as an Enhancement of On-line Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Active Learning for an On-line Composition Classroom: Blogging as an Enhancement of On-line Curriculum

2 Active Learning: A definition An approach that encourages learning through practical application of classroom-acquired skills.

3 Active Learning in an Online Environment Challenges: It Can’t Be Done: literature concerned with traditional classroom learning, a-synchronous nature of online environment, students are less connected to each other than in an on-campus environment. We Are Already Doing It: writing (the primary means of on-line communication/instruction) is already seen as an active learning component “…the most intensive and demanding tool for eliciting sustained critical thought is a well-designed writing assignment” (Bean 2011).

4 Active Learning in an Online Environment Solutions: Adapt assignments (Frímannsdóttir 2015 questions the online/onsite dichotomy) Foster Interaction inside the classroom (peer reviews, group projects, etc.) Foster Interaction with the world outside the classroom (draw on the students’ out-of-the-classroom ties rather than on peer interaction)

5 Blogging as a Means of Interaction with the World Outside the Classroom An alternative to the traditional LMS tools, which might have become boring A connection with the real-world readers A means of presenting the self to the world

6 Blogging as a Writing Tool Improves students’ attitude to writing (Fageeh 2011) Promotes conversational and interactional skills (Aldo de Moor 2005) Enhances ELL’s experience (Fageeh 2011)

7 King Arthur Blog Assignment Description: This week you will be graded on how well you create and maintain a blog on the subject of Arthurian legends and everything connected with them. You may use an already existing blog (if you have it) or begin a new one using (it's free). You may (in fact, I encourage you to) do some research and include material that the class files do not cover. You may turn some of you posts into fiction by re-imagining the stories you've read or setting them in the modern world--your choice, be as creative as you want. I ask you to post everyday starting on Monday and ending on Friday--that is 5 blog posts of at least 100 words each. If you do that, you get full 100 points for the assignment-- provided you stay on topic. Here's how the grades will break down if you do fewer than 5 posts: 4 posts—92 3 posts—85 2 posts—75 1 post—65 I encourage you to comment on each other posts, and those whose blog gets a comment/comments from someone outside our class will get 5 points of extra credit. So promote your blogs on social media or using the word of mouth! Blog writing will not be graded on grammar/punctuation, but keep in mind that this is something other people will potentially read--do your best!

8 Student Response: Statistics Number of Students Registered for the Class: 25 Average Rate of Submission for Essay Assignments: 23 students (92%) Rate of Submission for the Blog Assignment: 22 students (88%) Number of Students who Evaluated the Assignment: 16 (73%)

9 Student Response: Benefits Enjoyed the assignment more than a traditional essay (75%): creativity, freedom of expression, new knowledge, preparation for the research paper Described the assignment as “more connected with the outside world than a traditional essay” (75%): creativity, availability to a larger audience, a new connection with friends/family

10 Student Response: Benefits Self-motivated Attention to Essay Mechanics (100%) (Blog writing will not be graded on grammar/punctuation) Awareness of the real-world reader, writing as a reflection of self Connection with Real Readers (63% of students promoted the blog to attract readers Continued Writing Activity (50% of students expressed interest in continuing to maintain this blog )

11 Student Responses: Challenges Time Management (69%--5 entries; 31%--fewer than 5) Topic (25% expressed some reservations about the topic) Concerns about Availability of the Writing Online (69%--no concerns; 31%--expressed concerns)

12 Student Responses: Challenges Writing Online: Student Concerns Worried “who would have access to these after completion.” Felt “embarrassed to be writing about a topic that I barely even knew about. I didn’t want anyone who knew anything about King Arthur and Camelot to see my blog.” “I was a little scared of what people would think of me personally or my writings if they read it, but I think that is a common fear that I need to not worry about as much.” “I think having to put your writing outside of canvas can be intimidating because you don’t know who is reading it but not too bad.” “Having something that I had written ‘out there’ on the internet made me nervous but I quickly got over it.”

13 Solutions to the Challenges Time Management: Topic: Writing Online:

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