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The Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were: Turkish (capital Istanbul) Muslim The largest empire in the world.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were: Turkish (capital Istanbul) Muslim The largest empire in the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ottoman Empire

2 The Ottomans were: Turkish (capital Istanbul) Muslim The largest empire in the world


4 What was the source of Ottoman power?

5 Three Ottoman Strengths:

6 1. Control of Trade Location on the east/west trade route Control of the Waterways



9 2. Wealth from trade








17 3. Superior technology (the benefit of diffusion)

18 How did the empire end? The Europeans destroyed their strengths.

19 Ottoman Strength #1: Control of trade. Europeans broke this strength by going around Africa and gaining control of trade.


21 Ottoman Strength #2: Wealth Discovery of the New World leads to fantastic wealth for Europe from Aztec and Inca gold and silver.



24 Mt. Potosi, Bolivia


26 Ottoman Strength #3: Technology The industrial revolution surpassed the Ottoman superiority in technology especially in production of guns and munitions and other products necessary for war.

27 The Empire Ends Three reasons:

28 1. Nationalism: People ruled by the Ottomans wanted independence. Europeans: Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, Greeks. Arabs

29 2. European Imperialism: Industrial revolution caused a need for raw materials European industries wanted new markets Large navies developed by Europe to control trade

30 3. Competition between European nations led to WWI in 1914

31 The Ottomans sided with Germany and lost.

32 The Arab territories were divided up between Great Britain and France.

33 Turkey became a republic

34 The Balfour Declaration Great Britain promised the same land to the Jews and the Palestinian Arabs.

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