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Ilknur Akiner 1, M. Ernur Akiner 2, Atilla Akkoyunlu 2 1 Mersin University, Architecture Faculty, Department of Architecture, Turkey 2 Bogazici University,

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Presentation on theme: "Ilknur Akiner 1, M. Ernur Akiner 2, Atilla Akkoyunlu 2 1 Mersin University, Architecture Faculty, Department of Architecture, Turkey 2 Bogazici University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ilknur Akiner 1, M. Ernur Akiner 2, Atilla Akkoyunlu 2 1 Mersin University, Architecture Faculty, Department of Architecture, Turkey 2 Bogazici University, Department of Civil Engineering, Turkey Presented by M. Ernur Akiner

2 Goksu Delta of Silifke, Mersin.

3 Main pollution sources in city are the uncontrolled agriculture and unplanned constructions. Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment. It is crucial to achieve sustainable resources for an eco-friendly development. As a sustainable construction technology, green roof application will be proposed for the research area in order to decrease surface runoff. Results of the study show that the green roof application will decrease the stormwater runoff significantly. Also a mathematical relation between rainfall and water quality parameters will be investigated. Goksu Delta is one of the five Turkish Wetlands under protection of Ramsar Convention. The Ramsar Convention is an international agreement held in 1971 in the city Ramsar, Iran. Protection of ecological values of wetlands, especially to protect the biodiversity of flora and fauna, is the main purpose of the Convention.

4 Surface water quality assessment In this research, some pollution parameters were inspected in order to determine the current pollution level of the Goksu River in the region. Samples were collected from the three designated points and some water quality parameters were measured. PointEastNorthSampling Location 1 33° 55' 23" 36° 24' 24" Goksu River - Dam 2 33° 59' 4" 36° 22' 55" Goksu River - City outlet 3 34° 2' 3" 36° 18' 56" Goksu River - Menderes

5 Water quality classes according to Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation Water quality classification of waterbody according to Turkish Water Pollution Control Regulation

6 One-sample T-Test was applied as a statistical test in order to judge on the exact water quality class of the waterbody in aforementioned rivers and channels. One-sample T-Test: Whether the mean of a normally distributed population has a value specified in a null hypothesis. Since the available NO 2 -N data is continuous and also approximately normal, we can apply the One Sample T-Test

7 Green roofs can be separated in to two main groups. These are; intensive and extensive. Intensive roofs are usually more than 20 cm deep which allows for the growth of larger plants such as trees. Extensive roofs on the other hand, contain smaller plants, such as; shrubs, sedums, and herbs. Parts of the typical extensive green roof system are shown Green roof application Green roof cross-section

8 Compared to complete systems, modular green roof and pre-cultivated blanket layer systems are very practical, and ease to apply systems. Complete systems Modular green roof Pre-cultivated blanket layer There are seven main benefits to having a green roof. They include increased energy efficiency, an increase in air quality, a decrease in heat island effect, temperature regulation both on the roof and surrounding areas, stormwater retention, an increase in roof lifespan and a LEED point. Vegetation provides also nesting places for birds such as, blackbirds, song thrushes and house sparrows.

9 Delineated Subbasins of Goksu River Watershed Areas occupied by subbasins Goksu River flows through subbasin 1, 2 and 3, respectively. There is no settlement at subbasin 1 since the area is roughly mountainous. Silifke district is located and there is a mass settlement at subbasin 2. Subbasin 3 is the last subbasin of the whole watershed and it is located around the outlet of the Goksu River and settlements are not allowed in this area due to Ramsar Convention.

10 Potential rain water retention by a green roof of a sample building at Silifke – Mersin Sedum plantOsmunda regalis Osmunda Regalis and Sedum are local plants that are approached as green roof plant alternatives in this study in accordance with the Mersin climate According to sample calculation, when a single building with a roof area of 900 m 2 is considered, there will be 77 % water retention by the usage of green roof systems within the subbasin 2.

11 Primary Credit Impacts CreditsCategoriesRequirements Point s 5.1Sustainable SitesProtect or Restore Open Space1 6.1, 6.2Sustainable Sites Stormwater Management Rate, Quantity, and Treatment 2 7.2Sustainable SitesDesign to Reduce Heat Islands (Roof)1 1.1Water EfficiencyWater-Efficient Landscaping1 1.0Innovation and DesignInnovation in Design1 Secondary Credit Impacts CreditsCategoriesRequirements Point s 1.0 Energy and Atmosphere Optimizing Energy Performance2 4 Energy and Atmosphere Ozone Depletion1 4.1, 4.2 Materials and Resources Recycled Content (roof system components)2 5.1, 5.2Materials and Resources Local/Regional Materials (roof components, plants) 2 2Water EfficiencyInnovative Wastewater Technologies1 3.1, 3.2Water EfficiencyWater Use Reduction (20%, 30%)2 TOTAL DERIVED POSSIBLE LEED POINTS : 6 + 10 =16 LEED Credit Impacts 69 Available Points Four Categories of Certification: Certified: 26-32 Points Silver: 33-38 Points Gold: 39-52 Points Platinum: 53-69 Points Categories for Achieving LEED Points Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy and Atmosphere Materials and Resources Indoor Environmental Air Quality Innovation in Design

12 Observed and predicted values for monthly average TP concentrations in sampling point 2 at subbasin 2, with or without green roof application. Even subbasin 2 has a limited area over the whole watershed, it is revealed that application of green roof systems helped the reduction of TP concentration of river water significantly, especially when the rainfall value is low.

13 Green roof application can be used as a sustainable construction material for the buildings. This system has a great influence on runoff reduction and the improvement of the surface water quality. Historical data is needed in order to foresee the possible future pollution status of the watershed. If trend of the pollution is investigated, necessary management techniques for the reduction of the pollution can be specified. For this purpose a non-linear mathematical model as a function of rainfall was defined to show TP concentrations for the region. Additionally possible reduction in TP concentrations in case of the green roof application in subbasin 2 was calculated. Silifke district of Mersin Province – Turkey, is a typical underdeveloped city with a moderate population. It is clear that if this system is used in more developed, large and crowded cities, more remarkable results in terms of runoff retention and pollution prevention can be achieved.


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