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Unit 8.1 – Using New Technology Author: Tim Musgrave Student ID: A7835204 H808 ECA Core Evidence.

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1 Unit 8.1 – Using New Technology Author: Tim Musgrave Student ID: A7835204 H808 ECA Core Evidence

2 Unit 8.1 – Podcast Am I ready for an online course? Unit 8.1 – Using New Technology The Podcast Technical Self-development Transcript: Hello, Welcome to Tim Musgrave’s podcast, a specifically targeted discussion on the H808 online course provided by the Open University. I’d like to base my podcast around the question ‘Am I ready for an Online Course?’ To be sure you’re ready is vitally important if you are to succeed in this kind of environment. Previous experience on an online course is of course a benefit, but even then you have to ask yourself a number of questions before you sign up. Aside from the obvious, “is this course the course that will get me what I want?” you need to know if a. you have the time and b. you have the skills necessary to complete the course, or at least participate. Now in most situations, for example face- to-face (f2f), those questions have a slightly different slant, because in an online scenario you get to control a lot more of your education than you think. You control the amount of time you concentrate on the course, you also dictate when you work unlike a regular f2f educational setting where you are told when to come in and how long to do the task…. so the first question is a question about dedication, how much… time are you willing to dedicate to the course? But there are many supplementary questions of course you have to consider as well as the main question. If you think that you have the time, you must consider what effect will this course have on your private life, if you have the time, will it be enough when considering the level of achievement you want to reach, or attain, will your time get sucked up will you spend too-much time online? Personally, this has happened to me… so you need to show discipline and regulate your time that you concentrate on the course and not forget to live as well. On the other hand though, if you only dedicate ‘just enough’ to the course, in tasks that involve collaboration will you be letting other people down if you don’t participate? Obviously for collaborative discussion listen to my esteemed colleagues’ podcasts. If you dedicating just enough time will you be satisfied with the result? Will you get enough from learning, from the course? Is it professional to dedicate ‘just enough’ time? My second question, do you have the skills needed to complete the course has been a bone of contention in the H808 group… some say new technology is great, obviously, me included… and others are of the opinion that more technology means less time concentrated on teaching… I’m inclined to agree with both points of view, and happily sit on the fence deeming that you need to strike a balance between the two. H808 is one module in the MA course for online learning, for me it’s been a fabulous journey in opening my eye to new possibilities… hopefully I’ll be just as engaged in the other modules. But learning, or developing your technical skills is a part of an e-professional’s career… it’s important to always stay on foot ahead of the game or you risk the chance of stagnation. The basics however, are essential obviously, for any online course… you’ve got to know your way around a pc, know your way around the internet, get internet access? Have you ever blogged before? Do you know how to use a forum, emails? With these tools in your bag you should be able to cope, through communication and the support of an online community, on any course you consider important enough to do, you’ll always get that support, that encouragement to go one step further. So, in conclusion… although it’s not really a conclusion… to answer my question at the top of the podcast, you are only ready for an online course if you have the basic technical skills described… you don’t have to be an IT geek, just know your way around a computer, the internet, a forum…the rest you can pick up as you go from a supportive community, and if you’ve got the time to dedicate to the course… not too much, not too little… then go for it…. online education’s not for everyone… but if you want to learn, why not start here. Ok, that’s the end of my podcast, I hope you enjoyed it. I look forward to any discussions following it. Author: Tim Musgrave Student ID: A7835204 Podcast: Am I ready for an online course? Available from: Published: December 20 th, 2009 For the full transcript and mp3 see my eportfolio evidence pages Please Click HERE to start

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