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Cover Letter/Business Letters. First, Why letters?  Phone calls are deleted. Emails are deleted.  Letters can be mailed to multiple people, similar.

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Presentation on theme: "Cover Letter/Business Letters. First, Why letters?  Phone calls are deleted. Emails are deleted.  Letters can be mailed to multiple people, similar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cover Letter/Business Letters

2 First, Why letters?  Phone calls are deleted. Emails are deleted.  Letters can be mailed to multiple people, similar to a CC on an email and you can have physical proof that someone signed for them.  That, along with the concrete nature of a letter makes them less likely to be ignored.  Additionally, they are considered more mature and professional than emails.

3 Cover Letter Basic Notes:  What is it for?:  -Links name of a person (a reference) known to both the applicant and the employer.  -Indicates the applicant’s interest in the job.  -Indicates the job seeker’s knowledge of the organization.  -Lists additional information not included in the resume.  -Emphasizes skills, background, and strengths that match job requirements.  -Explains special circumstances.  -Asks for an interview or indicates the job seeker’s follow up plan.

4 Cover Letter Basic Notes Cont.:  How should it look?:  Single spaced  Left justified  Called a “block style” letter, because blocks of information are separated by spaces, otherwise everything is single-spaced  DO NOT INDENT.  Evenly spaced top to bottom

5 Your street address City, State and Zip (no comma after state abbreviation) -----4-7 blank lines depending on centering ----- Date -----1 blank line Name of contact person, his/her title (If short, on the same line/If lengthy, give it a separate line) Name of company Company street address City, State and Zip (no comma after state abbreviation) -----1 blank line Dear ___________: -----1 blank line

6 First paragraph explains that you are writing in regards to a particular position with their company. (For the portfolio: I am writing to inform you of the contents of my portfolio. Additionally, my proudest achievement of the last four years is___________.) -----1 blank line Second paragraph explains in more detail what you feel is most important, but that might not come across as clearly in your resume. (For the portfolio: One paragraph telling Murguia about your portfolio and its contents. Which piece best highlights your achievements? Think of this as your professional highlights.) -----1 blank line Closing paragraph describes your enthusiasm for the job and gives specific contact information. (For the portfolio, write one paragraph telling Murguia about your proudest achievement during the last four years. Here your are explaining in detail what you stated in the first paragraph.) -----1 blank line Sincerely, ----- ----- 4 blank lines (signature here) ----- Type name



9 Proofing Cover Letters  Directions: CAREFULLY look over and read the cover letter before you.  As you answer the following questions, write directly on the cover letter making notations of any errors you find in the letter.  Is the entire document typed in 12 point, Times New Roman Font?  Is the entire document left justified? (Make sure paragraphs are not indented)  Does the entire document look centered top to bottom? If not, suggest how to fix it.

10 Proofing Cover Letters  Is the opening heading correct? (Did they include their complete address? Did they include a comma after the city, but not after the state?  Are there 4-7 lines between the opening heading and date?  Is the date written correctly?  Do they have the inside address formatted correctly?

11 Proofing Cover Letters Cont.:  Is there an opening salutation followed by a colon?  Is the first sentence/paragraph’s content accurate?  Did he/she correctly list out some of their portfolio contents?  Is there a third paragraph that includes the author’s proudest achievement?  Is there a closing salutation, four lines of space, the name written/typed out and a signature in between?  Check spelling, punctuation, and grammar

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