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Warren Court SWBAT: Analyze the decisions of the Supreme Court led by E. Warren. Skim pages 709-711 -Earl Warren (who?): -Reapportionment (definition):

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Presentation on theme: "Warren Court SWBAT: Analyze the decisions of the Supreme Court led by E. Warren. Skim pages 709-711 -Earl Warren (who?): -Reapportionment (definition):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warren Court SWBAT: Analyze the decisions of the Supreme Court led by E. Warren. Skim pages 709-711 -Earl Warren (who?): -Reapportionment (definition): -Due process (definition): -Court Cases: (what rights/laws do they make?) -Gideon v. Wainwright -Escobedo v. Illinois -Miranda v. Arizona -Engel v. Vitale SIN #42

2  Republican from CA  Appointed as Chief Justice of supreme court under Eisenhower  Huge decisions on civil rights in 1950-1960s  Did not favor republicans Earl Warren

3  Reorganize the way states draw political districts based on population to make for fair and equal  Targeting south reapportionment

4  Law cannot treat individuals unfairly or unequally and must follow proper procedures in court  Gives more protection to criminals Due process

5 Gideon v. Wainwright-  Right to an attorney Court Cases:

6 Escobedo v. Illinois-  Right to an attorney when bring questioned

7 Miranda v. Arizona-  Must read you your rights when being arrested (Miranda Rights)

8 Engel v. Vitale  No prayer in public schools

9 Warren Court Doc Analysis  #42 cont. Do Not write on documents, answer questions in notebook (Give back docs at end of period, can finish tomorrow if needed) #1a. 1b. 4a. 4b. 5 a. 5b. 7.

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