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Government “Activism” During the 1960s The Great Society and the Warren Court.

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1 Government “Activism” During the 1960s The Great Society and the Warren Court

2 Kennedy’s New Frontier Combating Poverty and Inequality –The Other America, by Michael Harrington (1962) Book detailing the lives of the poor in America –Even though most Americans seemed to be doing well economically during the 1950s, 1/5 of Americans were still living below the poverty line. –How should we solve this problem? Kennedy’s Solution = Government Help

3 Kennedy’s Initiatives (New Frontier) Housing Act of 1961 –Raised US minimum wage. –$4.9 Billion to clean up urban slums. Equal Pay Act (1963) –If you are working at the same employer doing the same job, you must be paid the same wage. *Many other pieces of legislation are proposed by Kennedy, but most are stuck in Congress.


5 L yndon B aines J ohnson Sworn in as president about 90 minutes after JFK was pronounced dead in Dallas, Nov. 22 nd, 1963 Background –US Rep from Texas, 1937 –US Senator from Texas, 1948 –Senate Majority Leader, 1953 persuasive speaker gets things pushed through –VP, 1960 Had run against Kennedy for Dem. Nomination.

6 “All I have I would have given gladly not to be standing here today… No words are sad enough to express our sense of loss. No words are strong enough to express our determination to continue the forward thrust of America that [Kennedy] began… The ideas and virtues which he so nobly represented must and will be translated into effective action…” -LBJ to Congress, Nov. 27 th, 1963

7 The Great Society Begins Great Society –Program which included Kennedy’s proposals civil rights Welfare education aid healthcare voting rights conservation and beautification projects urban renewal –Sold as “Kennedy’s legacy.” –Strengthened when LBJ wins Election of 1964 Electoral College: 486 to 52 Means that LBJ has a strong mandate for his liberal programs.

8 Great Society Programs The Tax Cut –LBJ pushed through Kennedy’s planned tax cut. –boosted GDP levels by 9.5% in by 1966! The “War on Poverty” –Economic Opportunity Act (1964) Provided $950 million to combat illiteracy, unemployment, and inadequate public services. Head Start – preschool program for children of impoverished families VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) – Sent volunteers to help in poor communities. Aid to Education –Provided $1.3 Billion to states to help schools. Immigration Reform –Immigration Act of 1965 allowed 20,000 per country (outside of the Western Hemisphere) to immigrate per year.

9 Great Society Programs (Continued) Medicare –Provides low-cost health insurance to Americans over 65. Medicaid –Provides low-cost health insurance to poor Americans of any age who cannot afford their own private health insurance.

10 The Great Society: Legacy A success? –Number of Americans living in poverty was cut in half by the 1970s. A failure? –Too much tax $ was being spent to aid poor people. –Did welfare make poor people dependent on government aid? Which do you think is correct? Why?

11 The Warren Court The Supreme Court also became activist under Chief Justice Earl Warren, overturning many old laws and rulings, and establishing new legal procedures. Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) –Desegregated schools. Mapp vs. Ohio (1961) –Evidence seized illegally cannot be used at trial. Gideon vs. Wainwright (1963) –Suspects in criminal cases who cannot afford a lawyer must be provided with one. Escobedo vs. Illinois (1964) –Individuals must be given access to an attorney while being questioned. Griswold vs. Connecticut (1965) –A state cannot forbid a women from purchasing and using birth control. Miranda vs. Arizona (1966) –All suspects must be read their rights upon arrest.

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