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Welcome. Create by Sultana Jannatul Ferdous Head Teacher Berbari Govt. Primary School Sadar Jhenaidah.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome. Create by Sultana Jannatul Ferdous Head Teacher Berbari Govt. Primary School Sadar Jhenaidah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Create by Sultana Jannatul Ferdous Head Teacher Berbari Govt. Primary School Sadar Jhenaidah.

3 Class: Five Subject: English Time: 45 Minutes

4 Unhealthy Food

5 Unhealthy Child

6 Healthy Foods

7 Healthy Children

8 Lesson:Eat Healthy Live Healthy Lesson Unit: There is a----good mix of food.

9 1.SS will be able to read the text with correct pronunciation. 2.SS will be able to recognized healthy and unhealthy foods. 3.SS will be able to familiar with new words. Learning Outcomes

10 Look at the two faces-a happy face and a sad face. Draw the happy face next to the food you like. Draw the sad face next to the food you don’t like. Barger Cake Carrot Grapes Potato-sticks MangoIce-creamPotato-chipsMalta

11 Food Pyramid

12 Teacher’s reading Teacher’s and Students reading Student’s loud reading

13 Group Work Group:1 Write four kinds of healthy foods. Group:2Write four kinds of unhealthy foods.

14 Choose the correct answer: 1.Which food is unhealthy? a.Rice c.chips d.vegeyables. 2.Which food is healthy? b.egg c.cake d.biscuits.

15 Pair work Answer the questions given below: 1.Are all the foods you like good for health? 2.Which foods can keep you healthy?

16 Bye

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