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Player ID Card System Club Administrators Guide February 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Player ID Card System Club Administrators Guide February 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Player ID Card System Club Administrators Guide February 2016

2 Summary The YRSA will no longer issue OSA player books, all player ID will now be managed with plastic cards Club administrators will upload an AIMS spreadsheet and player photographs to the ID card system YRSA staff will then review the submission and if the files and photographs are approved then the YRSA will generate a player ID Card Clubs can collect completed cards from the YRSA office

3 Club Accounts Each YRSA have added all clubs to the ID Card system A club administrator will be added to the system by the YRSA staff An email will be sent to that administrator with a password The administrator is required to log into the site to set up the club account The url for the site is http://yrsa.e2esoccer.com

4 Logging in Log in by clicking here

5 Setting up your club account When you are logged in The My Club menu will appear

6 Club profile Select the Profile tool in the My Club menu and complete the form

7 The ID card process To start the ID card generation process select the Create ID Card tool under the Player Card menu You have two options available to you Multiple players Single player

8 Level of play You will now be asked to enter the level of play for each card. Please follow this protocol –Community (recreational call-up/all star) –District (YRSL, YRSL- Senior) –Regional (CSL, CGSL) –Provincial (OYSL, OWSL, OSL) –Elite (OPDL)

9 Multiple Players You have to upload 2 files For the players excel file you can use an AIMS export file without adjustment For the photographs you need to create a zip file with your photographs Each photograph must be named with the players OSA # At the end of this set of slides are further instructions on your zip file Don’t worry if your AIMS file has more names than you have photographs. The system will ignore those names without photographs The upload may take a while if you have a lot of photographs The playing level refers to the level of play for the team you are uploading eg District The upload will check for duplicate OSA#. If you wish to over ride this check for a replacement card check the box

10 Single Players For single players you type in the players name and details Use your email here not the players as they system will email you if there is a problem

11 Single Players Photograph For single players you upload the photograph and crop it appropriately before you submit

12 Viewing your cards progress You can view the status Of your cards as they Progress through the System by selecting the Player Cards tool in the My Club menu

13 AIMS export for Multiple Players Use your AIMS export file as your upload data You do not need to adjust the file or remove any names that are not included in the photo zip file

14 Reviewing your cards This screen shows the YRSA staff screen The YRSA staff will use this tool to review your card submissions If a card is not approved you will be sent an email with the reason why and instructions on how to correct If it is approved then the card progresses to printing

15 Bad card email Dear Tim, The player card for Jane Doe' was not approved for the following reason: Bad photograph Please click the following link to correct the issue and resubmit the card for processing: 66c3aa3027a1 This is a system generated email. Please do not respond to this email as it will go unheard 66c3aa3027a1

16 Photograph specification Photo must be of one of the formats –JPG –GIF –PNG Photo must be named as a number that matches the players OSA# on the AIMS report. Do not add a name with the number Photo must be head and shoulders of an individual 6328282 6878222 Acceptable photo Not acceptable photo

17 How to create your zip file 1. Save your photographs as OSA numbers only. Do not add names after the number 2. Highlight the files that you want to include in your zip file and right click your mouse. 3. A pop up will appear. Select ‘Send to…Compressed (zipped folder’ 4. Your selected photographs will now appear in the zipped folder. You don’t need to make any other changes to the contents of the zip folder. It is ok to rename the rename the zip folder

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