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Presentation on theme: "PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN PRESIDENTS: ALEX MONDELLO AND BRYAN SKAGGS."— Presentation transcript:



3 WHAT IS GLOBAL WARMING? Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth's climate.

4 WHAT DOES GLOBAL WARMING IMPACT? The average global sea level has increased eight inches since 1880 which harms us by contaminating our drinking water There are now more wildfires, and the wildfires season is getting longer in many places including California which effects people because it can leave people without a place to live Rising temperatures will likely lead to increased air pollution, a longer and more intense allergy season, the spread of insect-borne diseases, more frequent and dangerous heat waves, and heavier rainstorms and flooding and that effects peoples health It’s changing plants and animals behavior, and causing disruptions up and down the food chain

5 HOW WILL WE REDUCE GLOBAL WARMING Ways we can help reduce global warming are one, we can recycle more because trash has carbon dioxide in it, which is the leading cause of global warming. There is also a air powered car that doesn’t use gas and is only $10,000. It can go over 125 miles until the next refill of air, and it takes 2 minutes to refill.

6 WHAT ENERGY SOURCES We can switch to solar power and to wind power to help have less fossil fuels. We will start building them in Washington DC, and if it’s successful, we can expand. We will put solar panels in the South West and West region, in cities like Amarillo, Texas, Rochester, Minnesota, and Lubbock, Texas those states each have a average wind speed of 12.4 miles per hour or more. Solar panels last about 25 years.

7 HOW WILL WE PAY FOR THIS We can help pay for the cars by raising taxes by 15% on sales tax for 2 years and that will pay for half, and we will pay for the of half of the cars. We can pay for the solar and wind power by using the left over tax money and then we can pay for what’s left. Wind turbines costs approximately $48,000 – 65,000 to install. Solar panel installation can be between $15,000 to $29,000 for average sized panels.

8 WHAT WILL THE PEOPLE SEE AND WHAT COUNTRIES WOULD BE INVOLVED The people can see that there will be less pollution in the air and the ice sheets and glaciers will stop melting and stay there. We can start by just our country and if then if it works like we planned it to be, then we can reach out to other countries like Germany, Italy, and China. We are working with these countries because the are in the top five with us in solar power use. Then, we will have a meeting where we can invite the leaders of Germany, Italy, and China and discuss what we’re going to do.


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