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Exploration 1400-1607 Notes. Ideas of Exploration Begins The 1400s brought 3 important developments –Compass –Mapmaking –Much improved globe –Books.

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1 Exploration 1400-1607 Notes

2 Ideas of Exploration Begins The 1400s brought 3 important developments –Compass –Mapmaking –Much improved globe –Books

3 What did Columbus Do? Wanted to find a way to the Indies by going west. Did not have enough money, asked Queen Isabella in 1492. Left in Aug. Did not know there were 2 great land masses between Europe and Asia by going west. Named the Natives “Indies.”

4 Other Explorers John Cabot 1497, explored Newfoundland, North America Amerigo Vespucci 1499, South America Juan Ponce de Leon,1513 Florida Vasco Nunez de Balboa, 1513 Panama, Pacific Ocean Ferdinand Magellan,1519 South American,Pacific Ocean Hernando Cortes, 1519, Mexico Giovanni da Verrazano,1524, North Carolina, Newfoundland Jacques Cartier, 1534 St. Lawrence River, Canada Sir Frances Drake, 1577, South America, Washington, Pacific Ocean

5 England and France Start Colonies Spain began to benefit from the great treasures and contributions of the New World. England, France and Dutch were jealous of Spain’s success and started to loot Spanish’s towns along the coast of America Philip II of Spain was angry with England for these attacks and sent an Armada to crush England and Queen Elizabeth, but to his surprise was defeated. This caused England to become very powerful.

6 What was Roanoke? 1578, Queen Elizabeth created a agreement with Sir Humphrey Gilbert to begin a colony. He wanted to build a colony in the New World. However he died and his half brother, Sir Walter Raleigh got the charter. The first two attempts did not do well. However on the third try, he asked John White settled off the coast of North Carolina. White left to go back to England for more supplies and could not leave for 3 years because of the was with Spain. When he did return, he could not find any trace of the people he left. Its been a mystery ever since.

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