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TDAQ and L1Calo and Chamonix (Personal Impressions) 3 Mar2010 Norman Gee.

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Presentation on theme: "TDAQ and L1Calo and Chamonix (Personal Impressions) 3 Mar2010 Norman Gee."— Presentation transcript:

1 TDAQ and L1Calo and Chamonix (Personal Impressions) 3 Mar2010 Norman Gee

2 18-Jan-2010N. Gee – TDAQ in the LoI 2 Atlas Discussions Combined Upgrade Steering Group & LoI Editorial Board 11-Feb-2010 Second combined meeting 22-Feb-2010 – 4 hours Quick convergence on some ATLAS-wide principles: –The experts working in upgrade are mostly the same people who run and know how to maintain the existing detector. Loss of the upgrade programme will damage the running experiment –Delaying the upgrade by several years risks loss of key people It is hard to see how expertise at the same level could be rebuilt after a gap of a few years –The timetable of shutdowns must be optimised CERN ATLAS/CMS Would be bad if random shutdown pattern implemented by CERN –Radiation damage to ATLAS components is slower than foreseen; but other factors (e.g. ageing electronics, changing computer technology) then become important –Planned consolidations and improvements should also go ahead

3 Atlas Discussions (continued) Long discussions on details Discussion dominated by Inner Tracker. Very long timescale (2020 & beyond) is a big problem. No scenario yet agreed Calorimeters – possibility of agreement on change to digital in ~2017/18, but by no means certain. Muons – additional chambers, plus desire to put MDTs in trigger – latency concerns. Some chamber electronics cannot be accessed even in long shutdowns (or requires vast effort). Some could be done in 2017/18. Luminosity evolution still a guess Possible emergence of 2-year supercycles with intervening gaps –E.g. 2010/11; gap; 2013/14; gap; 2015/16; gap… etc

4 an other possible luminosity evolution with 2 years cycle with 2 major shutdowns? L= 1 * 10 34 L= 3 * 10 33 L int ~ 50 fb -1 ~ 300 fb -1 by `~2020 ? 100 fb -1 12 LINAC 4 + IR + …… 25 fb -1 14 16 18 20 L= 1-2 * 10 34 22 24 L int =1 fb -1 L int =10-25 fb -1 13-14 TeV ions optimistic New forward beam pipes Consolidate infrastructure Solve single points of failure Fix detectors problems Restore nominal design New shielding elements installs 4 th Pixel layer Install new SW, mu-LVL1 Modification of the TAS regions? New ID components …….. Consolidation Fix bugs Anticipate upgrades installations New ID, LAr?... sLHC



7 Work possibly needed in 2017/18 - Removals Remove all of Level-1 in USA15 : L1Calo, L1Muon, CTP –Crates, analogue cables, patch-panels, G-Link fibres. Pull back S-Link fibres –Note: by that time, L1Calo will be >~ 10 years old. Remove on-detector US15 electronics for LAr, Tile, Fcal –Their electronics will be >~ 13 years old Pull out analogue calorimeter cables to L1Calo, to free shielding holes Remove old calorimeter RODs and S-Links to DAQ Remove about half of old ROS PCs (change of ROBin function) Remove RoI Builder –~ 10 years old, perhaps cannot handle new DAQ links or more RoIS?

8 Work possibly needed in 2017/18 - Insertions Install new US15 on-detector calo electronics Install new calorimeter RODs in L1Calo racks (ready for new TDAQ ROD standard). Install GBT fibres from all calorimeters through shielding holes to USA15 Install new Muon chambers, electronics and cabling (US15, need details) Install new L1Calo, new L1Muon Install new L1PhaseIITopo (prepared for L1Track, which will come later) Install new CTP with interfaces to GBT and TTC –If a separate unit. Regulates max L0A, L1A rates, handles busy. Link Calo RODs to L1Calo, muons to L1Muon, connect remainder of Level1 Install upgraded RoIB and connect rest of Level1 Install and cable new-style ROS interfaces (from RODs and RoIB) Connect it all to DCS Test, commission,…

9 Implications for L1Calo (discussion) Phase-I L1Topo processor is installed in 2015 –Used for 18 months. Expected luminosity ~3 * 10 33 –Then removed Q1: Is this a sensible thing to do? Is it still needed for 30% design luminosity –Remember, original motivation was to handle 3 * design luminosity Q2: Do we have enough effort to run ATLAS and to develop Phase I and to develop Phase II at the same time?

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