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Transcendentalism and American Romanticism Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.

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Presentation on theme: "Transcendentalism and American Romanticism Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transcendentalism and American Romanticism Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau

2 American Romanticism – 19th Century 1800-1860 – Romantics and Transcendentalists created literature that emphasized the following: – Imagination – Feeling – Individualism – Enthusiasm for nature – Romantic literature reflected the optimism of American society at the time and defined the way we still view ourselves today.

3 Transcendentalism – Philosophy which gained popularity between the 1830's-1850's. – Sought to transcend ordinary life through spiritual experiences in nature. – Transcendentalism… – Cherishes the individual – Stresses a constructed reality – Embraces nature – Encourages individuals to trust themselves – Recognizes the unity between humanity, nature, and God

4 Characteristics of Transcendentalists – Nature admirers – Withdrawn from general society and its expectations (nonconformity) – Believe in simplicity over materialism – Optimistic – Self-reliant – Embrace the connection between humans and nature – To discover truth, one must see beyond the physical world and seek out the ideal world.

5 You might be a Transcendentalist if.... – You’ve ever stared out the window during class and wanted to be outside instead of inside. – You’ve had a meaningful experience or come to an important decision while in the midst of nature. – You’ve ever done something that no one else was doing. – You’ve ever “marched to the beat of your own drummer”. – You believe people are basically good at heart. – You think that a person should trust his instincts, his gut-feelings instead of analyzing everything to death. – You think going against the crowd is acceptable. – You hate that high school seems to be all about fitting in instead of being your own person. – You have big dreams that might seem unrealistic to anyone but you. – You think that people who try to dress like, act like, or talk like someone else make fools out of themselves. – You think understanding nature is key to understanding the universe. – You hate the fact that you seem to fall into the same routines every day. – You feel that you are often misunderstood because you are different from others in school or society.

6 Ralph Waldo Emerson – Preacher, philosopher, poet and essayist. – 1803: born in Boston. – 1829: became a minister and married shortly after. – 1830: suffered a "religious crisis" after the death of his wife. – 1832: quit his ministry and traveled to Europe where he met and learned from English Romantic poets: William Wordsworth, Samuel Coleridge, and others. – 1833: Returned to the U.S., settled in Concord, MA, remarried, and began giving lectures. – Intellectuals responded to his philosophical idea about the relations among humanity, nature, and God. He urged people to focus on humanity and find inspiration in nature.

7 "Self-Reliance" – Emerson published his essay "Self-Reliance" in 1841. – Appeals to the American spirit (even today). – Contains the Romantic traits of optimism and individualism. – He makes several persuasive arguments: – The need for nonconformity and self-sufficiency – Sanctity in the individual mind – Strong rather than meek individual expression – Only individuals know the best course of action, and imitating others is ignorant.

8 Henry David Thoreau – Writer and philosopher. – 1817: born in New England. – Friends with Emerson who referred to him as "captain of the huckleberry party." – Thoreau had little ambition during his studies at Harvard, trouble finding interest in his work as a teacher, and bad luck with women who he wanted to marry. – He did have a strong sense of individuality. – Thoreau was heavily influenced by Emerson and built a cabin on his property at Walden Pond in 1845. – It was here that Thoreau lived an “experiment” in relative isolation for over two years to find the "facts of life." He completed Walden nine years later in 1854.

9 Walden – Written during his two-year isolation at Walden Pond. – Thoreau wanted to "live deliberately" or find life's purpose and the keys to fulfilling that purpose. – He simplifies his life through clearing away his physical and mental clutter. – He finds the richness of life around him through his isolation. – Suggests individuals can climb beyond the confinement of everyday life to reach a higher spiritual peace. – Thoreau addresses the dark side to humanity, unlike Emerson who was eternally optimistic.

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