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"Future Earth” Mario Hernandez Future Earth Engagement Committee Joint CEOS – Working Group on Climate CNES – Paris – 7 March 2016.

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Presentation on theme: ""Future Earth” Mario Hernandez Future Earth Engagement Committee Joint CEOS – Working Group on Climate CNES – Paris – 7 March 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Future Earth” Mario Hernandez Future Earth Engagement Committee Joint CEOS – Working Group on Climate CNES – Paris – 7 March 2016

2 "Future Earth – Data + Observations + Information” Task Force

3 "Future Earth – Data + Observations + Information” Task Force Future Earth Network for Scientific Information to support Sustainability (FENSIS) Networking / Partnerships

4 What is Future Earth?

5 The International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research 1980 1991 1987 Earth Systems Science Partnership 2001 1996 1991 International Human Dimensions Programe on Global Change

6 The International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research 1980 1991 1987 Earth Systems Science Partnership 2001 1996 1991 International Human Dimensions Programe on Global Change 2011

7 -WCRP is a well established programe -Future Earth can enormously benefit from WCRP activities -Future Earth to work in close cooperation with WCRP WCRP and Future Earth

8 -Previous programmes were not sufficiently linked. -Some of the results they produced were scarcely picked up in practice, most never made it beyond the pages of academic journals. -Today sustainability researchers will need to follow a multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary — approach that goes beyond what many scientists have been used to.


10 To build and connect global knowledge To intensify the impact of research and To find new ways to accelerate sustainable development An interdisciplinary research network A science and technology network platform To support the decision making process and Societal transformation

11 Scientific interdisciplinarity

12 The International Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change Research Subset: Belmont Forum Gilberto Camara co-chair

13 The Governing Council for Future Earth International Council of Science Union International Social Science Council UNEP WMO UN UNIVERSITY UNESCO UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network $

14 D Distributed Secretariat (5 hubs) Montreal Paris Stockholm Tokyo © ESA Envisat China Boulder

15 -To be successful Future Earth will win over academic researchers, stakeholders and, crucially, funders. -Ideally Future Earth could provide a successful example of how it will work in practice -Governments and grant-giving agencies have not yet firmly committed to funding Future Earth as a whole -Future Earth could develop its own niche by coordinating that scientific evidence comes to the desks of decision-makers -The mountain of data from previous programmes remains relevant, new sustainability research, no matter how interdisciplinary, should build on that heritage and focus on finding and closing knowledge gaps Future Earth challenges

16 The Future Earth Data-Observations-Task Force Future Earth Network for Scientific Information to support Sustainability (FENSIS)

17 Future Earth Data, Observations and Information Task Force A very crowded arena Need to identify Future Earth’s ‘ niche’ (avoid duplication) Then …. Make it happen TOO MUCH Data vs NO data New sources: Crowd sourcing, smartphones, social-media, big-data, drones, etc. Harmonizing : earth-data + socio-economic data + political data Developing concrete examples Is science and technology being used to support the decision making process? workshops showcase examples identify Future Earth activities

18 Activities in 2015 IPCC-GCOS Towards data to support Climate Change Adaptation, Bonn, Feb. 2015 International Symposium on Remote Sensing for Environment, Berlin, May 2015 Our Common Future under Climate Change, Paris, June 2015 Use of Earth Observation to support Future Earth, Beijing, June 2015 International Symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, Stockholm, June 2015 GEO Ministerial meeting, Mexico, November 2015 Future Earth becomes a Participatory Organization of GEO (Group on Earth Observations – Ministerial decision Nov. 2015)

19 CEOS / CGMS emphasis: support decision making for adaptation Adaptation  deeply linked with society; law; governance; etc. Can Future Earth support with research about the required socio economic variables? Extreme events  deeply linked with society; law; governance; etc. Can Future Earth support with research about the required socio economic variables?

20 Activities in 2015 ESA sponsors the secondement of Mrs. Cat Downy to Future Earth Cat Downy member of the Task Force Cat Downy encouraging and facilitating the use of EO

21 As a partner of GEO: EO to support the SDGs Co-design indicators

22 Co-design indicators data

23 Co-design indicators data knowledge

24 Co-design indicators data knowledge information Co-production

25 Co-design indicators data knowledge information Co-production

26 Proposal to the Gov. of Japan Workshop on the use of Earth Observation to support decision makers in the implementation of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals JAXA – Future Earth Japanese Hub – University of Tokyo (Institute for Advanced Studies) GEO Future Earth Support to the SDGs

27 Data integration towards information Integrating EO data with socio- economic data information

28 To be involved in e-infrastructure developments

29 Use the GEO/GEOSS infrastructure Put all efforts in order to improve it jointly GEO / GEOSS infrastructure

30 New sensors

31 The challenge

32 INFORMATIONINFORMATION All scientific disciplines decision makers society


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