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How to Take an AP Test By: Annie Seeley Studying the Material  Know the Layout of your book  Create a timeline of when and which chapters to study.

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2 How to Take an AP Test By: Annie Seeley

3 Studying the Material  Know the Layout of your book  Create a timeline of when and which chapters to study  Leave at least a week before the test to review the material that you have already studied  Know the Layout of your book  Create a timeline of when and which chapters to study  Leave at least a week before the test to review the material that you have already studied

4 Studying the Material  Read the Summaries First  Read every chapter’s summary before studying in depth  Gives you an overview of all the material that you need to study  Helps you to create a timeline  You know which chapters to study the most  Read the Summaries First  Read every chapter’s summary before studying in depth  Gives you an overview of all the material that you need to study  Helps you to create a timeline  You know which chapters to study the most

5 Studying the Material  List of Key Terms  Make Flashcards  Put the definitions into your own words  Give examples from the book and any that you can think of on your own  Include diagrams  List of Key Terms  Make Flashcards  Put the definitions into your own words  Give examples from the book and any that you can think of on your own  Include diagrams

6 Studying the Material  Carefully Read  While Reading ask:  What are the general principles?  What examples are used?  Can I think of any other examples?  Who are the main personalities?  Why are their contributions important?  Make Sure you understand each concept thoroughly  Carefully Read  While Reading ask:  What are the general principles?  What examples are used?  Can I think of any other examples?  Who are the main personalities?  Why are their contributions important?  Make Sure you understand each concept thoroughly

7 Studying the Material  After Reading  Look at the key terms and quiz yourself  Know definitions as well as examples  Complete practice questions at the end of each chapter  Carefully note what you don’t know  Highlight what to work on  After Reading  Look at the key terms and quiz yourself  Know definitions as well as examples  Complete practice questions at the end of each chapter  Carefully note what you don’t know  Highlight what to work on

8 Answering Multiple Choice Questions  Read the whole question  Underline key words in the question and in the answer  Elimination  If you still don’t know the answer circle it and come back later  Beware Negative Questions!  Look for words such as: except, not, etc.  Follow your first instinct  Read the whole question  Underline key words in the question and in the answer  Elimination  If you still don’t know the answer circle it and come back later  Beware Negative Questions!  Look for words such as: except, not, etc.  Follow your first instinct

9 Answering Multiple Choice Questions  Do not guess wildly  Leave it blank if you don’t know  You receive an 1/4 point deduction for every question you get wrong  If you can get it down to two options guess  Be aware of the time limit  Bring a watch  60 min to answer 75 questions  They increase in difficulty  Do not guess wildly  Leave it blank if you don’t know  You receive an 1/4 point deduction for every question you get wrong  If you can get it down to two options guess  Be aware of the time limit  Bring a watch  60 min to answer 75 questions  They increase in difficulty

10 Answering Free-Response Questions  Identify your task  See what the question is asking you to do  List, identify, describe, explain, evaluate, analyze, assess, compare  Read the entire question and underline key terms  This will help you to make sure that you have included all of them in your outline and essay  Identify your task  See what the question is asking you to do  List, identify, describe, explain, evaluate, analyze, assess, compare  Read the entire question and underline key terms  This will help you to make sure that you have included all of them in your outline and essay

11 Answering Free-Response Questions  Make an Outline  Must correspond with the type of question  Those with multiple components, be sure to dedicate a section to each component  Identify premise, identify tasks that support the premise  List supporting claims, arguments, or examples you will use  Organizes thoughts and ideas  Make an Outline  Must correspond with the type of question  Those with multiple components, be sure to dedicate a section to each component  Identify premise, identify tasks that support the premise  List supporting claims, arguments, or examples you will use  Organizes thoughts and ideas

12 Answering Free-Response Questions  Identify and write down the central ideas, e.g., thesis statement, and specific examples to support this statement.  Grabs reader’s attention, make it solid and be sure to support it.  This becomes the compass and skeleton of your response.  Remember, your content is more important than your form, but a good response will be both readable (literate) and informed.  Emphasize main points  Identify and write down the central ideas, e.g., thesis statement, and specific examples to support this statement.  Grabs reader’s attention, make it solid and be sure to support it.  This becomes the compass and skeleton of your response.  Remember, your content is more important than your form, but a good response will be both readable (literate) and informed.  Emphasize main points

13 Things to Avoid When Writing Free-Response Essays  If you aren’t sure of facts or examples, don’t use them!  Weak facts cause readers to question if you actually know what is being discussed  Don’t use statements that are:  Implausible, can’t be proven, or don’t relate to the question  Stay on track and don’t make claims that you can’t back up or are based on opinion  If you aren’t sure of facts or examples, don’t use them!  Weak facts cause readers to question if you actually know what is being discussed  Don’t use statements that are:  Implausible, can’t be proven, or don’t relate to the question  Stay on track and don’t make claims that you can’t back up or are based on opinion

14 Things to Avoid When Writing Free-Response Essays  No Generalizations  Without supporting examples  Any claims without evidence are insubstantial  Don’t use your own opinion  It is sometimes difficult when you are asked to evaluate something  It is always better from an unbiased standpoint  No Generalizations  Without supporting examples  Any claims without evidence are insubstantial  Don’t use your own opinion  It is sometimes difficult when you are asked to evaluate something  It is always better from an unbiased standpoint

15 Things to Avoid When Writing Free-Response Essays  Be careful when evaluating  Always point out the positive and the negative of any theory or diagram  Validity and credibility are stronger without and opinion  No lengthy descriptions of verbiage  Readers know what you are doing  Length doesn’t matter, just answer the question  Readers prefer short and concise to long and excessive arguments  Be careful when evaluating  Always point out the positive and the negative of any theory or diagram  Validity and credibility are stronger without and opinion  No lengthy descriptions of verbiage  Readers know what you are doing  Length doesn’t matter, just answer the question  Readers prefer short and concise to long and excessive arguments

16  Good Job!!!!!! And Good Luck!!!!! GGood Job!!!!!! And Good Luck!!!!!

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