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Published byShon Anderson Modified over 8 years ago
Final State Interactions in W + W - Production at the ALEPH Experiment Matthew Pearson RAL CMS Tracker (previously ALEPH WW Group)
Plan Overview of the ALEPH detector. W + W - production and decay (+parton shower). String/Cluster Hadronization (JETSET, HERWIG, ARIADNE). Inter-W QED/QCD Interactions - Final state interactions. –Colour Reconnection –Inter/Intra-W Bose-Einstein Correlations Significance for the W mass. Search methods and results. LEP wide search methods and results. CR and BE at the LHC and LC.
ALEPH ALEPH : Apparatus for LEP pHysics
ALEPH in 2001! HCAL
WW Production Can produce W + W - with center-of-mass E>161GeV ADLO each produced ~10,000 W + W - pairs during LEPII (161GeV to 210GeV, from 1996 to 2000). Simulated using KoralW+YFSWW
WW Decay One W can decay into qq or l : BR(W qq) = 68.5 ± 0.6% BR(W l ) = 31.5 ± 0.5% Therefore: BR(WW qqqq) = 46.9 ± 0.8% BR(WW qql ) = 43.2 ± 0.8% BR(WW l l ) = 9.9 ± 0.3% W = 3x10 -25 s ~0.1fm But, ~1fm hadronization scale… Inter-W QCD interactions?
Parton Shower Parton shower – High energy quarks and gluons Simulated by either PYTHIA, ARIADNE or HERWIG Monte Carlo Initial hard gluon emission form additional jets Quarks and gluons emit further softer gluons Gluon splitting/Angular ordering/Matrix Element matching -> Many parton jets. PYTHIA: Initial parton branching are weighted to agree with QCD matrix elements. Basic angular ordering. HERWIG: Hardest gluon emission is matched to QCD matrix element. Angular ordering more naturally introduced. ARIADNE: Colour dipole model. Subsequent p t of partons must be smaller than previous branching.
Hadronization Hadronization starts at about 1GeV scale – Describe QCD fields between partons as string or cluster. However, hadronization is a local process – it does not affect the whole event. The main jet properties: jet rates, angular distribution and multiplicity are well determined at end of parton shower. (depending on hadronization model) CLUSTERSTRING
Inter-W Interactions QED : the coulomb singularity W+ W- Z/ Can describe this – It’s QED! 2-5% shift in WW x-section. 5-10MeV shift in W mass. QCD Parton level: W+ W- q q q q Calculable to some extent… Potential for very large effects. However, Suppressed by s 2 /N c 2 – need 2 gluons. Approximately 3MeV W mass shift. Modelled by AR2 in ARIADNE: Gluons with energy < 2GeV are forced to interact with partons from different W systems. Can be applied to single hadronization systems (Z, W). AR2 is therefore tuned on Z data.
Non-perturbative CR (1) Hadronization level: This is non-perturbative. QCD In the string model in JETSET: Colour reconnection can occur when strings from different W’s overlap in space-time. The Sjostrand-Khoze models are: SKI – Strings are long bags of colour field. Radius ~0.5fm. Gaussian fall off of field. Reconnection probability can be adjusted from 0% to 100%. Prediction: At 100%, huge W mass shift of ~250MeV. SKII – Strings have thin core and effectively no colour field beyond this. Reconnection occurs with unit probability if strings from different W’s overlap. No tunable parameters. At 170GeV one can expect 37% reconnection. SKII’ – Same as SKII, except reconnections only occur if string length can be reduced. Can only be applied to WW systems. Models applied to PYTHIA events without tuning. All 3 models predict a reduction in WW fully hadronic multiplicity. Only soft particles affected (ie. <1GeV).
Non-perturbative CR (2) Also in the JETSET model there is the Rathsman CR model. This is based on 4-D area overlap of strings. Two string configurations can be rearranged if the constituent partons can form new strings with smaller areas. Probability of string to have area A is ~exp(-bA). Probability to rearrange strings so that area A old becomes A new is R 0 [1-exp(-b A)]. Where A = A old - A new. R 0 is a free parameter. In ALEPH this model was tuned on Z data and R 0 was determined to be 0.004. Hence, this model has very small effects on W mass and multiplicity. Small negative change in multiplicity (same direction as SK models).
Non-perturbative CR (3) In the cluster model in HERWIG: Colour reconnection can occur when clusters from different W’s overlap. Each cluster is assigned a size d ab. If one normally has ab and cd, then these could be rearranged to form ac and bd if: |d ab | 2 + |d cd | 2 > |d ac | 2 + |d bd | 2. New clusters have to be colour singlets. Multiple reconnections can occur in one event. This model is tuned on Z events. Cluster size is not correlated with multiplicity. Multiplicity of a cluster is determined by its mass. One could have an increase in multiplicity due to CR!
Bose-Einstein Correlations Quantum mechanical ‘force’: affects only identical bosons (K L, , 0 ) which are close together in phase space. No BE 00 00 00 00 With BE Two types: 1.BE SAME – BE correlations between particles from the same W 2.BE ALL – BE correlations between particles from both the same W and from different W’s BE SAME: Confirmed in the Z system at LEPI. Not in standard LEPII Monte Carlo (single W’s, Z etc.) BE ALL: Does it exist in W + W - systems?
BE in JETSET The only Monte Carlo fragmentation program to offer BE simulation is JETSET. ALEPH used the BE32 model… It uses a local re-weighting method: p a new = p a old + p a b p b new = p b old + p b q This conserves momenta ( p a b + p b q = 0) but not energy. Therefore: p a new = p a old + b a p a b + c b r a c p shift between any two identical bosons a and c. Event dependent parameter. Prediction: Negative shift of few MeV in W mass (but depends heavily on reconstruction method). No effect on multiplicity.
BE Evidence BE correlations are well established from: ion-ion collisions at SPS 200GeV/nucleon, 16 O with C, Cu, Ag, Au targets eg. NA35, WA80 ~400 charged particles per event hadronic Z 0 decays at LEPI ~4 million events ~20 tracks per event Measured for both charged and neutral particle pairs If in single hadronic Z’s, then surely also in single hadronic W’s. And since W’s overlap so much in W + W - events then surely it exsits between W’s too?
FSI Summary Colour Reconnection: JETSET: SKI(0-100%), SKII, SKII’, Rathsman. HERWIG CR ARIADNE AR2 All predict a change in W mass and multiplicity in 4q channel. Multiplicity can also change in 2q channel. Bose-Einstein Correlations: Already seen in Z data (and ion-ion collisions at SPS). Only in JETSET: BE SAME, BE ALL Change in W mass in 4q channel.
Why + How to search for FSI? It depends who you talk to… Two main reasons: It can affect the W mass reconstruction. All CR and BE models affect W mass (few MeV to ~250MeV) If we can determine how much CR and BE exists then we can put an accurate systematic uncertainty on the W mass in 4q channel. One better understands non-perturbative QCD parton shower and hadronization. String/Cluster? If string, what shape of string? etc. How to search for colour reconnection? Multiplicity, Event Shapes…… Will discuss multiplicity and factorial moments. How to search for BE? Two-particle relative momentum distribution, correlation functions…. Will discuss 2-particle momentum dist. and factorial moments. ALEPH biased!
W + W - Multiplicity All CR models change WW multiplicity, but not BE. Mainly soft particles affected (<1 GeV). Technique: Measure 4q and 2q WW charged multiplicity. q q q q lepton neutrino q q Compare qqqq and qq multiplicity, eq. 4q-2(2q) But, in ALEPH we did not correct the data for selection or momentum cut (200MeV). Data is still biased by selection… Solution: CR = [ 4q-2(2q) ] data – [ 4q-2(2q) ] MC Cancel any selection biases. ~38 ~19
W + W - Multiplicity Results Luminosity weighted average multiplicity: =198GeV 625pb -1 Data 4q = 35.23 0.13 0.29 2q = 17.46 0.09 0.12 4q-2(2q)=0.31 0.25 MC 4q = 34.82 0.02 (JETSET without CR) 2q = 17.33 0.014q-2(2q)=0.17 0.03 CR = [ 4q-2(2q) ] data – [ 4q-2(2q) ] MC = 0.14 0.25 (or ) HERWIG CR = 0.14 0.25 JETSET+SKI(100%) CR = 0.35 0.25 HERWIG+CR CR = -0.15 0.25 ARIADNE+AR2 CR = 0.36 0.25 OK, so what about low momentum particles……
SKI(100%) and AR2 both predict decrease in soft particles. HERWIG CR predicts increase in soft particles. Data consistent with all models, with or without CR Multiplicity not sensitive enough (just!). OK, but we can study ‘ordinary’ fragmentation (no CR or BE)……
Fragmentation Results What do these plots tell us? HERWIG best for low momentum particles (<1GeV). JETSET best for mid-range particles (1-10GeV), and HERWIG is quite poor in this region. ARIADNE+JETSET not good for low momentum particles. Same for 4q and 2q data. What did we see at LEPI? Poor match between data and Monte Carlo for low momentum. Big JETSET and HERWIG differences for heavy charged particles (eg. Protons) for p>9GeV. Common theme: Cluster fragmentation best for p<1GeV String fragmentation for p>1GeV Combine the two? Fragment low energy strings into clusters?!
What about Bose-Einstein? Q=sqrt((p 1 -p 2 ) 2 -(E 1 -E 2 ) 2 ) =(N++-- sel 4q - N++-- mixed 2q ) data -(N++-- sel 4q - N++-- mixed 2q ) MC, noBE Any deviation from zero near Q=0 is evidence for BE between W’s. Data consistent with no BE and BE within a single W. In fact, BE between W’s is disfavoured. Still ongoing analysis…….
Using correlation functions If ordinary variables cannot be used to search for FSI At LEPII, then lets try something more exotic… Factorial moments and correlators have been used to study intermittancy effects in multiparticle production (from ~1990(?) onwards). ‘ Spiky’ behaviour in particle distributions (couldn’t be explained by particle production models or statistics). Is particle production fractal in nature? Able to explain some SPS (UA5, NA22) and LEPI Z data. (also used in cosmic ray exp. and quantum optics) Features: Sensitive to dynamical mutliparticle correlations, and not affected by limited multiplicity.
hep- ph/ 9907536 v1 28 Jul 1999, HZPP-9907, July 28, 1999 Identification of Colour Reconnection using Factorial Correlator Fu Jinghua Liu Lianshou Institute of Particle Physics, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan 430079 China Factorial Correlator Factorial moment of order m: F m (b) = = 1/E e (x b (x b -1)…(x b -m+1) e e=1..E Setting m to 1… F 11 (b,b’) = / which is just the correlator. Only applies to fully hadronic events (qqqq). One has to know which particle comes from which W. Make a p t or distribution for each W. Take bin b from one W distribution and bin b’ from the other W distribution. F 11 (b,b’) will measure correlation between multiplicity fluctuations in bins b and b’ (separated by D).
Factorial Correlator (2) Study by L3 using PYTHIA+JETSET at generator level. Huge difference between no reconnection and the SK models. What happens if we look at the reconstructed Monte Carlo?
Factorial Correlator (3)
Factorial Moments Since factorial correlators are useless for looking at reconstructed Monte Carlo or real data, what about factorial moments? These are sensitive to the fluctuations of a single bin. As before, form a multiparticle distribution (but only one, using particles from both W’s). Use horizontal factorial moments (ie. average over bins, then events). The factorial moment of order m, of bin b in event e, is: F m (e,b) = (x b (x b -1)…(x b -m+1)) e Then, average over the bins in the event: F m (e) = B m-1 ( b F m (e,b))/N m Then, average over all the events: F m = 1/E e F m (e) B = #bins in distribution. E = #events in sample. N = #charged tracks in event.
Factorial Moments (2) One is interested in horizontal moments to be sensitive to multiplicity fluctuations within a single event. Due to: Ordinary fragmentation, or Inter-W reconnection effects (both colour reconnection and Bose-Einstein correlations) Calculate F m for a number of distributions and plot as a function of B (the number of bins). The scaling of F m with B is called intermittency (ie. Fractal jet structure) But I am only interested in any differences between curves produced by different fragmentation models. In the following m=2 (m>2 gives worse results due to low multiplicity and limited #events).
Factorial Moments (3) How does ordinary fragmentation affect F m ? =rapidity wrt the thrust axis =rapidity wrt the W 4-vector.
Can we combine over the points? We can, but the correlation is 70-90% high between points. No much more information from considering 20 points than just one point!
Factorial Moment Results and Future So what can we learn? Very difficult to explain the changes in F m using particle distribution. Curves are not separated enough to say anything concrete. Again, it would be useful to have more data! What about using these at the LHC? F m seems to be quite sensitive to BE correlations. Could be useful tool for high multiplicity events, especially at the ALICE heavy ion experiment (2000-8000 charged particles). Certainly useful in highlighting inefficiencies in Monte Carlo fragmentation models (see LEP1 results).
BE and CR at LHC and LC Colour Reconnection: Some LHC events which may be affected by CR: H->ZZ, tt, WW, ZZ, etc. ->Any pair of hadronically decaying heavy particles. Also, some LC events: WW, ZZ, tt, etc. Bose-Einstein Correlations: BE will be a large effect at LHC in high multiplicity events (ion-ion, and decays of tops, Z’s, W’s and H’s). May affect mass reconstructions, particle distributions, event variables etc. BE at LC may affect the same sort of events. -> the LC will finish the job that LEP started in searching for CR and BE in W + W - events!
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